How I Get Dirt Cheap Unique Content For My Websites - Stop Paying Membership Fees!!
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My purpose for this post is to show how I get great quality articles for my websites or for any purpose and how you can too. First off, I want you to know that I have personally written TONS of articles (over 4.5k with all my accounts on Ezine Articles). Here is one of my profiles.
So when it comes to articles and finding writers I've picked up on a few things and I would like to share them with you. I've seen a lot of sites that give you access to get a Personal VA for writing content as you may need it but there are usually membership fees included, which is something that I like to avoid whenever I can.
Yes, I have tried places like Elance and Scriptlance. I've had some success with both of those sites but again, those sites also do charge fees when you pick writers.
I think that the best way to find people to write content for you comes down to one place for...
But not craigslist in the USA though...I am talking about Craigslist in the Philippines!
The reason I like to find professional writers there is because there English is very good, you will find professional people, and you will get great value for your money. Now I can't say exactly how much you will be paying per article. That all depends on what you work out with your potential writer. But I can almost assure you that you will be getting a better deal than a lot of other places out there.
So here is what you do.
I have noticed that the most popular place to post in the Philippines is in the city of Manila (seems to have the most action, posts and responders). But you should also go across the board and post down the list of cities as well.
Then click JOBS then go over to POST. Then scroll down the bottom where it says writing/editing jobs.
You can post something simple like this.
"Hey. I am looking for a professional content writer for my website. I have websites on many different topics and I need someone who is reliable to form a partnership with and help me expand my websites with some unique and wonderful content.
If you have experience as a writer I would love to hear from you. Please respond to this post and I will contact you ASAP."
That's pretty much it. Then where it says "Compensation" just put To Be Discussed
Now I KNOW that this may not sound like anything revolutionary, because it's not. It is something I have been using to find VERY GOOD writers for my websites that speak VERY GOOD English, have a background in writing (many have college degrees), and avoid paying those membership fees or transaction fees for those other websites.
Also I almost forgot to mention they will usually want to be paid either of these 2 ways.
1) Paypal
2) Xoom
Most of the writers that I have dealt with like to be paid on a 2 week basis, but again this will all depend on what deal you work out with your potential writer.
Once you post up the ad, keep an eye on your email and you should begin getting hungry writers contacting you.

Hope you found this info useful!

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