How you can have too a high pr links renting service and make $10.000/month

by clus03
78 replies
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Hello all,

I decided to create this thread as a result of seeing how my competitors, or whatever i don't even call them competitors, how other people that sell high pr links act in this forum.

For some reason, they think they can go in other people's threads and destroy them using false accusations just so that they get all the clients. Competition sucks huh??? There was a time when there were not so many high pr links sellers but, now this is a fashion......and everybody forgot about manners and integrity, everybody trying to get their bread with one or two clients extra that they would get if that competition wasn't there.

I am not bothered sincerely as selling high pr links was never one of my main income sources, what bothers me is how a person thinks that creating a new account and posting some bull...t on other peoples threads is going to help them.

So that is why i decided to let everyone know how you too can start your own PR business in maximum a week and start making money out of it. now others might even sell this as a special offer.....but hey...this is not magic knowledge or some highly intelligent thing why not let everybody know how to do it? In case you didn't know already. I for sure would love to see more people selling this links, and not all the money going to just a few...

1. This is not some magic business that comes out with spending just 1$ or something.
2. Is not going to make you a millionaire, but it can bring you a decent amount of money, enough to give you a good wage.

The way i created this business is most likely the same way almost everybody did it........and i myself have right now around 150 clients bringing me around 6000$. Like i said not life changing......

Number 1: You need a registercompas account. This site is great and it basically gives you all the information you need regarding the high pr domains. Is not that cheap though. Is around 40$ or so a month, i'm not sure. Anyway without it, buying domains would be 100000 times harder. you can sign up here for an account: Search for Domains with Pagerank at Registercompass i do not have any connection with this site, nor do i try to promote it in any way).

Number 2: After you signed up you go in "Domain Search" and start searching for high pr domains. Now it depends on the type of pr sites you wish to add to your network. Almost everybody on warrior forum sells pr 3 and pr 4 sites. And almost everybody sells around 20 high pr links.

Let's just say you want to buy 20 pr 3 and pr 4 sites. In "domain search" you search first for pr 3 sites. you have 3 options regarding the auction registrar. Godaddy, Namejet or Snapnames. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

With Namejet and Snapnames the minimum bid for a domain in auction is 69$ i think. But they give you the domains next day after you win them whereby with godaddy sometimes if your lucky you can get pr3 and 4 for less then 69$ but it takes like 8 days or so for the domain to get active in your account.

Most of the times you can get decent pr 3 and pr 4 sites for only 69$ considering noone else will bid on that domains, which is very possible, as there are not so many people bidding there compared with Godaddy. I myself can tell you from my own experience i never paid more then 100$ on a pr 3 or 4 using namejet or snapnames.

When i say decent pr 3,4 i mean a domain that has a DA of at least 20 and a PA of at least 30. to be honest recently i only purchased domains that have DA over 30 and PA over 40. All this metrics are viewable in registercompas. But to be sure a domain it is what it sais it is there are certain steps you need to take in order to ensure yourself you will not get scammed.

1: check each domain with a pr checker such as Check Page Rank! | Check Google Page Rank!. This site usually lets you know if the PR is valid or fake. But to be even more sure after you checked the pr with them you can also go on google and input the following terms: If the result that shows is the domain you searched about then the pr is real, if another site address appears means the pr is fake.

2. put the domain into
you use open site explorer to ensure that the domain has a good DA and PA. Sometimes when you input just it might just give you a high DA but a PA of 1. This might be because that domain has more links on the www. version of it. so in cases like this you add www. at the start of your domain name and see what the results are then. If the PA increases to over 30 or whatever standards you have then is still a good domain to purchase.

3. You check your domain with MajesticSEO. I usually do this to double check the citation flow and trust flow and also to see how many referring domains my root domain has.
I usually never buy domains that have a trust flow lower then 10. Also when you check the referring domains make sure they are quite a few. As sometimes there are domains with 50000 external links or something huge but only 5 or 10 or something really small in referring domains. Let's say i would never purchase a domain that has less then 30 referring domains. I usually aim toward having only domains that have at least 100 referring domains as having 100 is the minimum amount for having a "moderate" pr domain. Less then 100 means your high pr domain is a weak one.

It all depends on the quality you want to offer clients, and i must say many people on this forum offer weak pr domains, as i bought myself in the past a few services and they were not high quality.....and it still made them money, probably it still does.

The terms "external backlinks" and "referring domains" can be found in Majestic SEO when you input your in the search box.

I also like to check the links of the domain in Majestic SEO. I usually check if the links were built over a decent period of time or all in 1 day or so, as spam sites sometimes have all their links built in 2,3 days.

4. Make sure the site your are about to bid on is indexed in Google. you would not want to buy a site is not indexed. To check for this you go in Google and in the search field you input the following terms:

In the results it should appear at least the homepage address of your site. If nothing appears, means that site is not indexed and you do not want to bid on it!!

this are the basic things you need to check in order to make sure the domain is worth bidding on. There are a few some more advanced things, but not worth mentioning.

Number 3: When you found a decent domain you go bid on them. In Godaddy there are tons of pr 3 and pr 4. Some sell more expensive then others but there are plenty you can get cheap. When you like a domain, you can just input the max amount you would pay for it, let's say max 100$. It does not mean you will pay 100$. That means that is your max bid, so that you don't have to always look if somebody bid more then you. Same with Namejet or Snapnames. you just input 69$ their minimum and sometimes you will be surprised to see you are the only bidder. If other people bid on that domain do not panic. The domain will enter a 3 day auction, but the prices will not go too high. You can still purchase them with around 100$.

Of course if you wish to buy pr 5 and 6es prices can go quite high sometimes, but i'm sure there are a few hidden treasures and from time to time you can get a good deal on a pr 5 or 6 too.

As a conclusion in order to start a high pr network of pr 3 and pr 4 sites composed of 20 sites you would need around 1400$. Now that of course might not be cheap for many people, but is not that high eighter.

If you charge 40$ per month for renting 20 links means 1400$ per month, considering you take 35 clients per 1 network of 20 sites. Is not that bad i would say. you invest a one time fee and get paid that same fee every month after without investing anything else.

And all this can be scaled. You can buy as many networks as you want. There are people i know of having up to 10 networks making 14000 a month.

After you bought all your 20 sites( first network) you will need hosting for all your sites. now hosting opinions are multiple. Some people say getting SEO hosting is not a good idea anymore as Google goes after this networks. After the Google update i say that is total nonsense. Both sites being hosted in normal shared accounts or sites being hosted on seo hosting got affected in the same exact way.

To be honest i prefer SEO hosting as is more easy to setup plus you get for sure different C Class ips. I personally use They have a very good customer support and after you buy whatever package you need, you just send them a ticket with your domain list, and you tell them to allocate unique ips and unique nameservers to each of your domains. I don't even bother allocating unique ips myself. just let them do all.

I use their shared hosting and for 20 C Class ips you pay 40$ a month.

After you have the hosting in place you will need to start a thread on Warriroforum to promote your new business. There are many talented people who offer thread designs on warrior. I used a guy named Des Lau. Many people used his services and he seems pretty good at what he does.

You create a nice thread design, you add it in warrior forum - warriors for hire and you are ready to receive your customers. In order to receive a decent flow of people from the start you should bump your thread each times it passes to second page as this way you will always be in the view.

Logically you should offer for each link unique hand written articles. I use for articles and get the 150 words articles. Is 25$ total for 20 articles. Many articles will be longer then 150 words going up to 300. you just need to review each article in part and make sure you accept only good quality ones.

I charge 64$ for my package of 20 links. Meaning i get 39 and 25$ i pay for articles.

Regarding the should not build a site right way as is not needed. Why spend more when it does not make any difference. I had a site, i wanted to get to be all professional and all but i do not think it helped my sales in any way. you can use Online Form Builder with Cloud Storage Database | Wufoo. Is an online form builder. So many people selling on warrior and not only are using them. They are not expensive and creating a form is really easy. I will not enter in more details about this as if you go check a few services out there you can figure out on your own what information you need on your wufoo form.

When you create the sites, where you will add your clients articles make sure you use multiple CMS platforms such as wordpress, joomla, drupal and b2evolution.

When you add the CMS platforms and create the sites make sure you keep into account what variant of the sites is the one that has both high DA and PA according to opensiteexplorer. for example if you imputed on opensiteexplorer and it gave you DA 25 and PA 1, and then you also checked the w w version and that one gave you DA 25 and PA 40 then when you create the site you will need to create it with the www. in the url otherwise your future homepage address will have DA 25 and PA of 1.
Is very easy to do that from the cpanel of your domains.

I don't know what else to tell you for now, but if you have any questions i am happy to give you advises.

#high #links #renting #service
  • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973

    Thank you for the post. These are some great tips. Just a few days ago I decided to stop using high PR links from WF and use that money to build my own link network for my own sites. I've seen too many problems with the links that some people are selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author tightline
    $10 a month is not that much..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8794882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by tightline View Post

      $10 a month is not that much..
      That is pretty short sighted. After $10, build and multiply.

      Tim Pears

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8795629].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
    This must be the same "build your blog network guide" that ALN and BMR read before they started.

    If only building a blog network that will last more then 5 minutes, was that simple. SMH....

    SEO hosting..Iwriter...35 random clients per site..oh my oh my...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8795876].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nik0
      Hey another network with 35 sporadically changing homepage links, where did we see that before.

      This whole renting model is even worse then ALN/BMR.

      Besides you should stay up to date, Ideastack a reseller / SEO host with multiple data centers just got whacked a couple of weeks ago. 10.000+ domains got deindexed and you are claiming that it's 100% safe.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796228].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clus03
        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        Hey another network with 35 sporadically changing homepage links, where did we see that before.

        This whole renting model is even worse then ALN/BMR.

        Besides you should stay up to date, Ideastack a reseller / SEO host with multiple data centers just got whacked a couple of weeks ago. 10.000+ domains got deindexed and you are claiming that it's 100% safe.
        first of all niko or whatever......i am providing a high pr links renting service. As of this moment i have around 200 clients, most of them buying up to 10 packages from me.

        what i wrote in this thread is a real life business that can be achieved pretty fast. As there are over 10 people on warrior right now selling this type of links after the exact same model i wrote in the thread. This is not some bullshit WSO that the owner of thread sais ....omg yes i made this true...but i do not actually have any proof. I am the proof. People who sell this links are the proof.

        As of seo hosting, i did not say is 100% safe. I said opinions are different. And stated i prefer seo hosting. And as a person that i own over 500 domains some of them hosted on shared normal hosting, some of them hosted on seo hosting i can say 100% that my sites were affected in the same way by the Google PR update. Oh ...and as a matter of fact none of them got deindexed.
        I never said that other peoples sites didn't get deindexed i was just speaking from my own experience.

        Oh and as of networks that have homepage links....if you can't remember where you saw them.....well check warriors for hire and you will find plenty of them. They are there and will be for some time from now on, and their business model that you are criticizing is making them even more then 10.000 a month.

        and i think you confused my guide with some seo lesson......this is not an seo lesson is a guide for people who wish to start a business and make money.....which if you stay and think about it is very different.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796531].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

          first of all niko or whatever......i am providing a high pr links renting service. As of this moment i have around 200 clients, most of them buying up to 10 packages from me.

          what i wrote in this thread is a real life business that can be achieved pretty fast. As there are over 10 people on warrior right now selling this type of links after the exact same model i wrote in the thread. This is not some bullshit WSO that the owner of thread sais ....omg yes i made this true...but i do not actually have any proof. I am the proof. People who sell this links are the proof.

          As of seo hosting, i did not say is 100% safe. I said opinions are different. And stated i prefer seo hosting. And as a person that i own over 500 domains some of them hosted on shared normal hosting, some of them hosted on seo hosting i can say 100% that my sites were affected in the same way by the Google PR update. Oh ...and as a matter of fact none of them got deindexed.
          I never said that other peoples sites didn't get deindexed i was just speaking from my own experience.
          200 clients * $69/mo * 8 packages per client (as most have 10) comes down to about $100k/month, I thought you mentioned $6000/mo in your thread?

          After you wrote this thread 2 days ago ten sellers joined the forum to sell those exact links. Can you show me some proof of 10 people who started a new sales thread in the last two days?

          You're freaking stupid if you prefer SEO hosting over shared hostings and advice that to people.

          The risk of SEO hosting is that there's a much higher chance that domains get deindexed. What does that have to do with the Google PR toolbar update? :confused:

          You're so full of crap.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796551].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Intrepreneur
        Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

        nd you are claiming that it's 100% safe.
        I read the whole thing. There was a negative spin evened out with a bit of "what else you gonna do to get different IP and setup so easily". No claim of 100% safe at all.

        My whole input is that the whole business model is shoddy and at risk. All good while making money but not so good when caught.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798647].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clus03
      Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

      This must be the same "build your blog network guide" that ALN and BMR read before they started.

      If only building a blog network that will last more then 5 minutes, was that simple. SMH....

      SEO hosting..Iwriter...35 random clients per site..oh my oh my...
      Oh Kevin didn't you learn by now that good things are not actually that complex?

      now i know my guide is not very organised as i am not very good in english, but oh well...i tried. Oh and trust me as about the people who own ALN(cause they also have other services they offer) they are now on a beach in the sun with no worries.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796545].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        now i know my guide is not very organised as i am not very good in english, but oh well...i tried. Oh and trust me as about the people who own ALN(cause they also have other services they offer) they are now on a beach in the sun with no worries.....
        Aah now I start to get it, you don't care about delivering a solid service to your customers, you only care bout filling your pockets.

        Makes sense :rolleyes:
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796557].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author clus03
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          Aah now I start to get it, you don't care about delivering a solid service to your customers, you only care bout filling your pockets.

          Makes sense :rolleyes:
          The service is good. There is nothing else to do about the sites. If they are high pr, high DA, high PA high trust flow. good backlinks, and indexed, is pretty much everything one can do to ensure they are ok. Otherwise why would i even write how to find good domains and not just some domains, put seo hosting and sell them.

          I said is not an seo lesson, because that is not the point i wanted to achieve. The actual purpose of the thread is for people to create their own business.

          I just think that saying to people that some seo hosting servers went down and peoples sites got deindexed is like saying....well i was on first place of google then for some reason i disappeared of the charts. Oh well.....this can happen. Is Google we are talking about.

          And imo using seo hosting or normal hosting is pretty much the same thing. As in this business the main problem is the sites losing the pr they have after Google updates. It does not matter if that site gets deindexed too. As, as a high pr links provider you can not use that site anymore anyway and anyway you need to replace it.
          So for comfort purposes i prefer seo hosting as i do not have to go to each hosting separate and create accounts non stop, without purpose.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796573].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            The service is good. There is nothing else to do about the sites. If they are high pr, high DA, high PA high trust flow. good backlinks, and indexed, is pretty much everything one can do to ensure they are ok. Otherwise why would i even write how to find good domains and not just some domains, put seo hosting and sell them.
            Well that's exactly what you said in the OP

            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            I said is not an seo lesson, because that is not the point i wanted to achieve. The actual purpose of the thread is for people to create their own business.
            I think it's pretty clear for everyone that this is not an SEO lesson

            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            I just think that saying to people that some seo hosting servers went down and peoples sites got deindexed is like saying....well i was on first place of google then for some reason i disappeared of the charts. Oh well.....this can happen. Is Google we are talking about.
            Wow that's one kind of an comparison LOL

            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            And imo using seo hosting or normal hosting is pretty much the same thing. As in this business the main problem is the sites losing the pr they have after Google updates. It does not matter if that site gets deindexed too. As, as a high pr links provider you can not use that site anymore anyway and anyway you need to replace it.

            So for comfort purposes i prefer seo hosting as i do not have to go to each hosting separate and create accounts non stop, without purpose.
            Im not going to address each issue that you state here but you're even more clueless then I thought you were.

            Dumping PR6 domains just cause a toolbar doesn't show the PR anymore
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796591].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clus03
              Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

              Well that's exactly what you said in the OP

              I think it's pretty clear for everyone that this is not an SEO lesson

              Wow that's one kind of an comparison LOL

              Im not going to address each issue that you state here but you're even more clueless then I thought you were.

              Dumping PR6 domains just cause a toolbar doesn't show the PR anymore

              Aren't you tired of using that annoying laughing emote? I almost think it looks like your face when you write this posts since you use it so much.

              Man i can't even go through all the crap you wrote here.......some quotes and answers with no sense or purpose.....basically only to have something to say against what i write.....just face it dude....all you do in this forum is contradict people without actually giving real reasons why. to be honest i have read a few of the replies you had on other threads some time ago......and all you do basically is be beyond annoying.

              I do not find you annoying cause you contradict me, but i find you annoying because all you say is crap.

              Other then that......have fun with writing your future reply to my post....again some quoted senseless type of reply where you basically barely find your words and add some more emoticons showing your amazing teeth.

              The model of business i gave is good and is working, and is a strong service, good quality one that can make money and it is making money for many. Replying to me "oh you are clueless if you give up your high pr domains if they lose the pr" or whatever it is you said has about 0 connections with the thread itself and does nothing but to prove what useless your replies are
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796621].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author nik0
                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                Aren't you tired of using that annoying laughing emote? I almost think it looks like your face when you write this posts since you use it so much.
                Not at all, I love that emoticon and it represents my feelings pretty closely, so silly that I have to laugh hard at it.

                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                Man i can't even go through all the crap you wrote here.......some quotes and answers with no sense or purpose.....basically only to have something to say against what i write.....just face it dude....all you do in this forum is contradict people without actually giving real reasons why. to be honest i have read a few of the replies you had on other threads some time ago......and all you do basically is be beyond annoying.

                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                I do not find you annoying cause you contradict me, but i find you annoying because all you say is crap.
                Lol all I say is crap?

                Actually I think you are annoyed cause I took your points down, one by one. Crappy hosting, crap load of OBL on homepage, crappy comparison and it go's on and on.

                And when I point these things out you come up with an even more ridiculous response that brings a huge smile on my face and thus I keep my responses short as I'm not that stupid to waste more time then needed on you.

                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                The model of business i gave is good and is working, and is a strong service, good quality one that can make money and it is making money for many. Replying to me "oh you are clueless if you give up your high pr domains if they lose the pr" or whatever it is you said has about 0 connections with the thread itself and does nothing but to prove what useless your replies are
                Of course it's a business model that makes you money, in that sense it works great, no one debates that.

                But is it a strong quality service like you say? Absolutely NOT.

                You have no idea how many sites I've seen come pass by who had 20 or 40 homepage links pointed at it exactly like the one from your network, and every single time half of the domains were fake, and not only that, every single time those domains were deindexed.

                You can't setup a site with 35 different short homepage articles and call it a day, Google detects that dead easily, you need to keep those sites alive if you want to do it in that setup and even then 35 is way too high.

                As about the last part, you are so freaking stupid to not see the difference between a deindexed domain and a domain that gets downgraded by the toolbar to PR0. You just gave me an extra point to show how little you know about what you're doing.

                I still sell links on domains that went from PR6 to PR0. Why? Cause it's a big waste of money to replace that domain when it's still rock solid. Toolbar PR means totally nothing and still you are attached to it like a baby to it's mothers mill.

                You are selling a worthless service that worked awesome 2-3 years ago and encouraging others to do it in the same way. In this business you only make it when you go along with the time instead of being involved in outdated practices.

                Btw kudos for not responding to the points where I did respond too, just shows what type of person you are

                Here again in case you missed it:

                200 clients * $69/mo * 8 packages per client (as most have 10) comes down to about $100k/month, I thought you mentioned $6000/mo in your thread?

                After you wrote this thread 2 days ago ten sellers joined the forum to sell those exact links. Can you show me some proof of 10 people who started a new sales thread in the last two days?

                You're freaking stupid if you prefer SEO hosting over shared hostings and advice that to people.

                The risk of SEO hosting is that there's a much higher chance that domains get deindexed. What does that have to do with the Google PR toolbar update?

                You're so full of crap.

                When I type back to you I feel like I'm communicating with some Indian VA wannabee retard.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796762].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author clus03
                  Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

                  Not at all, I love that emoticon and it represents my feelings pretty closely, so silly that I have to laugh hard at it.

                  Lol all I say is crap?

                  Actually I think you are annoyed cause I took your points down, one by one. Crappy hosting, crap load of OBL on homepage, crappy comparison and it go's on and on.

                  And when I point these things out you come up with an even more ridiculous response that brings a huge smile on my face and thus I keep my responses short as I'm not that stupid to waste more time then needed on you.

                  Of course it's a business model that makes you money, in that sense it works great, no one debates that.

                  But is it a strong quality service like you say? Absolutely NOT.

                  You have no idea how many sites I've seen come pass by who had 20 or 40 homepage links pointed at it exactly like the one from your network, and every single time half of the domains were fake, and not only that, every single time those domains were deindexed.

                  You can't setup a site with 35 different short homepage articles and call it a day, Google detects that dead easily, you need to keep those sites alive if you want to do it in that setup and even then 35 is way too high.

                  As about the last part, you are so freaking stupid to not see the difference between a deindexed domain and a domain that gets downgraded by the toolbar to PR0. You just gave me an extra point to show how little you know about what you're doing.

                  I still sell links on domains that went from PR6 to PR0. Why? Cause it's a big waste of money to replace that domain when it's still rock solid. Toolbar PR means totally nothing and still you are attached to it like a baby to it's mothers mill.

                  You are selling a worthless service that worked awesome 2-3 years ago and encouraging others to do it in the same way. In this business you only make it when you go along with the time instead of being involved in outdated practices.

                  Btw kudos for not responding to the points where I did respond too, just shows what type of person you are

                  Here again in case you missed it:

                  200 clients * $69/mo * 8 packages per client (as most have 10) comes down to about $100k/month, I thought you mentioned $6000/mo in your thread?

                  After you wrote this thread 2 days ago ten sellers joined the forum to sell those exact links. Can you show me some proof of 10 people who started a new sales thread in the last two days?

                  You're freaking stupid if you prefer SEO hosting over shared hostings and advice that to people.

                  The risk of SEO hosting is that there's a much higher chance that domains get deindexed. What does that have to do with the Google PR toolbar update?

                  You're so full of crap.

                  When I type back to you I feel like I'm communicating with some Indian VA wannabee retard.

                  Yap, this time you did a bit better i must say, you actually wrote something, i am, glad you are listening to my advises. But unfortunately for you you are still beyond retarded and all you say is still useless.

                  first of all I never said that you should have only 35 posts on the homepage and that is that. I said to include 35 clients per site and to add their post on the homepage. Of course it is advisable to add extra posts with no links and even create additional pages with extra articles that have no links so that the sites look as natural as possible.

                  As about the seo you know i am afraid is the seo my grandma used when she was young. Someone stating that seo hosting is not good is only a person that does nothing but reading other other people write on forums and comes back copy pasting the information they previously read about.

                  Do you know why no one sais that shared hosting sites did not get deindexed? Is not because they do not get deindexed is because shared hosting is the biggest type of hosting there is. If you would stop using that too....what else would you do? So all the retards(you being one of them) keep saying omg seo hosting is not good just cause some sites got put down. Well for your information, bad sites get put down no matter the hosting they use.

                  And of course you would keep selling pr0 to people. Exactly like you said...why would you spend extra money for a new pr? No just leave it there, who cares what people will say? ha......The logic behind what you said is not completely out of date, but i must tell you that when you promise people you sell them 10 pr4, 20 pr5 you must keep selling them what you promise otherwise, no matter your explications they will unsubscribe from your service and you will nicely keep your pr0 for yourself.( no money made). And that is the logic behind any business there is, in case you did not know that. You give what you say you give otherwise your service = scam.

                  And the only freaking stupid is you as i never said a deindexed domain = a deranked one. and if this is what you understood then maybe you got affected by too much.....yellow fever boy.(prolly from thailand)

                  I said that once a domain looses its pr it is useless to use it anyway as part of your network....and that it being deindexed too is just a secondary issue which anyway does not matter as long as you need to replace your domain.

                  As about the mathematics you are trying so hard to conclude i have to tell you that you still need to go to school a bit longer as you understood it all wrong here too: I was calculating the profits in my thread.

                  64$ per package, but 25$ from that are not going towards me as i have to pay for articles, means i am left with 39$. and i said i have around 150 clients 39* 150 = 5850$ which i approximated at 6000. (again some useless conversation about how much money i said i make when all the purpose of the thread is how others should make money).

                  Only a looser could possibly say that this service worked only 2,3 years ago when going on all the main forums that are, all you see in the link building area are high pr services. so i would say you are completely outdated yourself.

                  As of the quality of the service, i would say is pretty good for a black hat service and it actually ranks sites. And that is a fact. As i have hundreds of sites ranked with my service, and not only clients but my own sites. So unless you prove me right now how this service is not ranking any sites, then all you say equals to 0.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796824].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author nik0
                    Yesterday you had 150 clients, today you had 200 clients, now you have 150 clients again, confusing.

                    First most of your clients have 10 packages with you, later on the math shows that they only have 1 package with you

                    Earlier you say that a domain with degraded PR is just as useless as a deindexed domain, now you are already changing your opinion (based on what I say) that such domain is still good for yourself

                    What is being sold as the majority on online forums doesn't mean that it's a solid practice these days so there you go wrong again. Look at everyone who used to sell SenukeX when those links were dead for a long time already.

                    I see you also state that your service is a black hat service, funny enough that isn't mentioned anywhere in your sales thread. And believe me, there are way more effective blackhat methods then 20 lousy links for $40/month.

                    I rather sell solid links to customers, no matter if some unreliable tool shows PR0, wasn't it you who said that DA/PA is so much more important? Even that statement is totally nonsense as DA/PA is so easy to manipulate. You are twisting like crazy here.

                    Oh yeah of course it's advisable to keep on adding posts, funny that you didn't mention that anywhere, again a statement you make after I point it out first, you start to look more and more like a copycat, isn't free coaching great?

                    Again statements about how great SEO hosting is you'll never learn it and maybe I have to take my comment back about the free coaching as you're not following it

                    I never had a site on shared hostings being taken down, just for the record. I did lose 15 domains that I had hosted with an SEO host only a few weeks ago but nope I only get my info from forums according to you while you keep on adjusting your opinion based on what I'm teaching you.

                    PS: Keep nagging at buying clients in your sales thread when they point out the fake PR crap that you're selling instead of replying in a professional way and explaining in detail what happened, but nope, you have to call your grandmother in LOL.

                    You're a lousy piece of shit that isn't even worth replying too and still I do, just to point out all the nonsense that you're spreading here.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796843].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author clus03
                      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

                      You win, I give up discussing with 3rd world country logic.
                      Oh is ok is understandable that you give up....i would not want to put your neuron to so much work, might crack
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796859].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author nik0
                        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                        Oh is ok is understandable that you give up....i would not want to put your neuron to so much work, might crack
                        You might want to read again

                        I'm glad my neurons are still able to crack, I think the crack did something to yours already when I'm reading all what you post here.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796874].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        Oh Kevin didn't you learn by now that good things are not actually that complex?

        now i know my guide is not very organised as i am not very good in english, but oh well...i tried. Oh and trust me as about the people who own ALN(cause they also have other services they offer) they are now on a beach in the sun with no worries.....
        Yes thank you very much, you made my point for me.

        They are on the beach in the sun, while their clients who used their services are in the gutter with the rats.

        Well done ALN bravo.

        This is what you call success is it?
        Destroying 1000's of clients websites with shitty networks to fill your boots with money. Nice..real nice..

        Oh and btw...don't try blowing smoke up my ass about them living on the beach either. I personally know 2 guys who owned a huge chunk of that network. Between them over 4000 sites, they are not on any beach right now. They are broke asf and living back home with their parents. You picked the wrong guy to try bs about who you know.

        Originally Posted by Innovationteam View Post

        Thank you so much for this valuable information , but there are other Good places to promote those kind of services other than the warrior forum although they are not famous as the warrior forum but the competition would be much less than here.

        one more thing , i saw a lot of fighting going around lately , they should hire a new moderator for maintaining the attitude of the members,
        seriously people act like a true professional.

        Thank you Clus03 again
        Yes, a true professional would hold their clients interests as the No1 priority. This guide would destroy your clients interests for your own personal gain. Nicely spotted.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796902].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Innovationteam
    Thank you so much for this valuable information , but there are other Good places to promote those kind of services other than the warrior forum although they are not famous as the warrior forum but the competition would be much less than here.

    one more thing , i saw a lot of fighting going around lately , they should hire a new moderator for maintaining the attitude of the members,
    seriously people act like a true professional.

    Thank you Clus03 again
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796595].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Blog Networks are only successful for one person, YOU, because you sack in $6000 month *selling* links which is about the worst thing you can do ever since two years ago ALN and BMR were busted and pretty much any other (major) network afterwards and on-going.

    The point is, IN THEORY what you say is of course all good and great....until it gets to the point where you advertise your network/selling links on a public forum, be it WF or BHW or whatever and get 100s of clients.

    Funny thing since Matt just busted two more networks this week alone.

    What happens when your network gets busted and ALL the hundreds of people using your network getting penalized?

    Do you make it clear to them that a blog network today can only be for the short-term?

    Do you help them cleaning up their link profile once the network got busted and do you compensate them in case some people lose their business because they used your network?

    I know I sound like I am exaggerating..but it's simply the truth that buying any kind of links OFF A HIGH TRAFFIC PUBLIC FORUM where 100s of people put their crappy links on one site is just an idiotic thing to do.

    Ironically, you don't need to bother because all you need to do is count your $$$ each month...and it won't affect you a lot in case the net gets busted.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796778].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clus03
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      Blog Networks are only successful for one person, YOU, because you sack in $6000 month *selling* links which is about the worst thing you can do ever since two years ago ALN and BMR were busted and pretty much any other (major) network afterwards and on-going.

      The point is, IN THEORY what you say is of course all good and great....until it gets to the point where you advertise your network/selling links on a public forum, be it WF or BHW or whatever and get 100s of clients.

      Funny thing since Matt just busted two more networks this week alone.

      What happens when your network gets busted and ALL the hundreds of people using your network getting penalized?

      Do you make it clear to them that a blog network today can only be for the short-term?

      Do you help them cleaning up their link profile once the network got busted and do you compensate them in case some people lose their business because they used your network?

      I know I sound like I am exaggerating..but it's simply the truth that buying any kind of links OFF A HIGH TRAFFIC PUBLIC FORUM where 100s of people put their crappy links on one site is just an idiotic thing to do.

      Ironically, you don't need to bother because all you need to do is count your $$$ each month...and it won't affect you a lot in case the net gets busted.

      I am sure high pr networks will always and forever get busted, that is not the point. The reality is that Google updates their pr just once in like 8 months( for some time now). If you buy strong domains that have a solid backlink profile you have good chances of keeping that pr after Google updates too.

      Some of the sites will undoubtedly fall, and yes of course you need to replace them. that is not even a question, is a sure thing. But the price one would pay to replace those domains, it is acceptable considering the profit would be made in the period between the Google updates.

      I have never ever stated this business model will last forever. Google could come at any time and start updating their pr daily as much as we know. I was saying in the present times this is still a good business. I think you people do not understand the purpose of the thread and keep commenting on unimportant matters.

      If this was a WSO sold with 5$ everybody would say is a great wso and business idea, but if i post it for free, what do come to say in return? That is a bad seo technique? No is not, at all, but most importantly is not a bad business idea.

      I am filling my pockets? no i am not thank you, and even if i would i would from a service i offer and work for, and i offer as i promise. and those people you say would have problems after the pr updates, it is not the case, as pr domains are fastly replaceable.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796851].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Talk about the pot calling the kettle black here...


        The problem is not sites losing PR in your service. Sites always go up and down in PR. The problem is that all Google has to do is get a whiff of one of your clients using your service and they can unravel and deindex your whole network. That is what people are trying to point out to you.

        As for SEO hosting... it is a really bad idea to put a network with any host that advertises that they offer SEO hosting. The reason behind it is that the majority of people that use SEO hosts are those setting up a network like your. Google knows this. They are not stupid. All they have to do is sign up for the same service and start collecting IPs. They can then investigate every domain hosted on those IPs and start deindexing sites. I have seen this happen where 75%-90% of the domains on a single IP were all deindexed. Basically, using an SEO host makes your network an easier to find target. You may not have experienced this yet, and that is fine. If you are going to run a network of any kind, you want to minimize risks. Using an SEO host is an unnecessary risk. On top of that, it is usually cheaper to use shared hosting if you shop around for good deals.

        You ladies need to stop all the bickering in this thread or I am locking it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796876].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          Talk about the pot calling the kettle black here...
          You can say that but I don't stick to old methods but keep evolving, >75% of my network is niche relevant these days and setup in complete different ways and are actually receiving traffic from the search engines.

          >80% of my network is now hosted on shared hosting plans and the rest will be moved within the next 1-2 months. Before that the ratio was about 60/40.

          I know you like to compare that to a static homepage with 35 random posts based on what you've seen in the past. Perhaps you should try again instead of coming up with old cows. Besides that, in the past my service was already a 1000 times better when you look at content being used, different styles of setup of sites, the majority being at shared hostings and the sites always receiving fresh posts and thus making it less easy for Google to detect (although I'm not 100% sure about that last statement I do know that my deindex factor was incredibly low over the last 1.5 years while I never saw those 40 static homepages being live longer then 3-6 months.

          Any way each entitled to his own opinion, just a bit biased when it's based on 1 year old data.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796903].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author clus03
            Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

            You can say that but I don't stick to old methods but keep evolving, >75% of my network is niche relevant these days and setup in complete different ways and are actually receiving traffic from the search engines.

            >80% of my network is now hosted on shared hosting plans and the rest will be moved within the next 1-2 months. Before that the ratio was about 60/40.

            I know you like to compare that to a static homepage with 35 random posts based on what you've seen in the past. Perhaps you should try again instead of coming up with old cows. Besides that, in the past my service was already a 1000 times better when you look at content being used, different styles of setup of sites, the majority being at shared hostings and the sites always receiving fresh posts and thus making it less easy for Google to detect (although I'm not 100% sure about that last statement I do know that my deindex factor was incredibly low over the last 1.5 years while I never saw those 40 static homepages being live longer then 3-6 months.

            Any way each entitled to his own opinion, just a bit biased when it's based on 1 year old data.

   i get it. lol your problem is that you are offering a high pr renting service yourself and are pissed that i tell people how to create one. Well come on man......this is not fair let other people make money too. give them some good the niche relevancy for example. THAT IS GOOD PEOPLE! Is a nice advice i forgot to mention, but if you build your networks niche relevant it definitely makes Google love you more

            Thank you for this share
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796950].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author dennis09
            Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

            You can say that but I don't stick to old methods but keep evolving, >75% of my network is niche relevant these days and setup in complete different ways and are actually receiving traffic from the search engines.

            >80% of my network is now hosted on shared hosting plans and the rest will be moved within the next 1-2 months. Before that the ratio was about 60/40.

            I know you like to compare that to a static homepage with 35 random posts based on what you've seen in the past. Perhaps you should try again instead of coming up with old cows. Besides that, in the past my service was already a 1000 times better when you look at content being used, different styles of setup of sites, the majority being at shared hostings and the sites always receiving fresh posts and thus making it less easy for Google to detect (although I'm not 100% sure about that last statement I do know that my deindex factor was incredibly low over the last 1.5 years while I never saw those 40 static homepages being live longer then 3-6 months.

            Any way each entitled to his own opinion, just a bit biased when it's based on 1 year old data.
            Nik0 none of that means a lick when you open your network up to the public. It's already been proven that G browses these forums and infiltrates networks that way. You're one of the loudest and most visible network sellers in this forum as well as SEVERAL others. When you put two and two together I wouldn't be surprised if they already had an ongoing list of your sites. I could take out about $1200 worth of your network with a single $69 purchase and likely more with a bit of reverse engineering. And here we are flaming this guy for risky SEO hosting and selling out clients for profit. I don't wanna get sucked into anything here but I definitely see the pot calling the kettle black.
            There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798008].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
              Originally Posted by dennis09 View Post

              I could take out about $1200 worth of your network with a single $69 purchase and likely more with a bit of reverse engineering. .
              No need for the $69. You have people on this forum talking about WHT services they used with their sites right in their sig. . Shucks a google employee if they wanted to could pose as a user and PM a few people in the WSO threads asking how the service worked out for them and some would cough up some of their sites to run backlink checks on

              Anyway you do it, once you find just one network site you just fire up a tool link Inspyder's Insite and it spits out every outgoing link on the whole network domain. Check backlinks on those and rinse and repeat. Want more that missed?

              Do a Google search for some of the longer unique tail keywords you see on the network sites that just would not appear together normally and boom you find a few more to put through Insite.

              Its not just how the sites are setup. Its the whole business model of selling links instead of charging good money for SEO clients. It forces too many links to make back the cash and soo much junky customers.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798391].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author dennis09
                Originally Posted by .too ike Anthony View Post

                No need for the $69. You have people on this forum talking about WHT services they used with their sites right in their sig. . Shucks a google employee if they wanted to could pose as a user and PM a few people in the WSO threads asking how the service worked out for them and some would cough up some of their sites to run backlink checks on

                Anyway you do it, once you find just one network site you just fire up a tool link Inspyder's Insite and it spits out every outgoing link on the whole network domain. Check backlinks on those and rinse and repeat. Want more that missed?

                Do a Google search for some of the longer unique tail keywords you see on the network sites that just would not appear together normally and boom you find a few more to put through Insite.

                Its not just how the sites are setup. Its the whole business model of selling links instead of charging good money for SEO clients. It forces too many links to make back the cash and soo much junky customers.
                Exactly, too easy. A lot of sellers are just sitting ducks and too blinded by the cash to see it. The more popular they are, the harder they fall. And the clients go right along with em.
                There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798529].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        I am sure high pr networks will always and forever get busted, that is not the point. The reality is that Google updates their pr just once in like 8 months( for some time now). If you buy strong domains that have a solid backlink profile you have good chances of keeping that pr after Google updates too.
        Are you really this freaking stupid to think that networks will always be busted?

        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        Some of the sites will undoubtedly fall, and yes of course you need to replace them. that is not even a question, is a sure thing.
        You have no idea that sites can lose PR without them losing any back links do you?

        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        But the price one would pay to replace those domains, it is acceptable considering the profit would be made in the period between the Google updates.
        OMG, all you can think of is profit

        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        I have never ever stated this business model will last forever. Google could come at any time and start updating their pr daily as much as we know. I was saying in the present times this is still a good business. I think you people do not understand the purpose of the thread and keep commenting on unimportant matters.
        The only reason it won't last forever is because you are doing it wrong right from the start. Selling links in your way is what was done a couple of years ago. Nowadays those domains don't last longer then 6 months.

        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        If this was a WSO sold with 5$ everybody would say is a great wso and business idea, but if i post it for free, what do come to say in return? That is a bad seo technique? No is not, at all, but most importantly is not a bad business idea.
        Only because the WSO section is heavily moderated and full of complete noobs who have no clue and take all for granted, none of the experienced members here would buy your $5 crappy WSO in the first place.

        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        I am filling my pockets? no i am not thank you, and even if i would i would from a service i offer and work for, and i offer as i promise. and those people you say would have problems after the pr updates, it is not the case, as pr domains are fastly replaceable.
        No $6000/month is nothing worth talking about right. That's why you start a thread teaching people how to easily make $10k/month but you can't even make $10k/month yourself with this business

        Actually I'm very curious about those PR4+ domains that you have in your network as I already read some complains about the legitimacy of these domains, I bet they are fake as hell. I rather have a back link from a domain that shows as PR0 with strong PR6-PR7 links pointing at it then some faked PR5 with a handful of PR1-PR2 back links.

        And that sums up the whole difference between you and me, you only stare yourself blind at PR's that can be so easily faked, instead of looking at the actual back link profiles that are supposed to make them a PR3, PR4 or PR5 or higher.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796888].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author clus03
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          Are you really this freaking stupid to think that networks will always be busted?

          You have no idea that sites can lose PR without them losing any back links do you?

          OMG, all you can think of is profit

          The only reason it won't last forever is because you are doing it wrong right from the start. Selling links in your way is what was done a couple of years ago. Nowadays those domains don't last longer then 6 months.

          Only because the WSO section is heavily moderated and full of complete noobs who have no clue and take all for granted, none of the experienced members here would buy your $5 crappy WSO in the first place.

          No $6000/month is nothing worth talking about right. That's why you start a thread teaching people how to easily make $10k/month but you can't even make $10k/month yourself with this business

          Actually I'm very curious about those PR4+ domains that you have in your network as I already read some complains about the legitimacy of these domains, I bet they are fake as hell. I rather have a back link from a domain that shows as PR0 with strong PR6-PR7 links pointing at it then some faked PR5 with a handful of PR1-PR2 back links.

          And that sums up the whole difference between you and me, you only stare yourself blind at PR's that can be so easily faked, instead of looking at the actual back link profiles that are supposed to make them a PR3, PR4 or PR5 or higher.

          Ha no the difference between me and you is that you are a complete loser that makes his life around warrior forum and has got nothing else to do then being a troll.

          I know very well how to define a pr 6 or what makes it a pr 6 and for sure would not need advises from a nonsense like you. People wonder the validity of anything just like they prolly wonder how could you can live with yourself until now. I am not troubled about what people wander dear as i know what i offer.

          I know very well what is high quality and i offer it. I tried in this thread to give some free info to those noobs that you accuse of not knowing nothing. Why would a person that knows this stuffs anyway even come and comment is beyond me.

          It is a basic guide on how to start a high pr renting business fast and start making money. And no your easy methods of making 10.000$ do not exist and those are the real scams. No one is ever offering real deal business models as if those models would work people prefer to keep it to themselfs not to sell it for 5$ on warrior.

          It is peoples decision if to listen or not to my advice, and to be honest i do not care about that as is everyone's responsibility to think about their acts. Businesses that start from 0$ invested or 20$ invested are nothing but a good idea, and will remain only that. I gave here a real life business model, that worked and is working right now.

          Regarding the quality of the model, i have to say is a black hat method but it is working. you just have to make sure, you leave no footprints behind and make your sites look as legit as possible. Google will never catch on all the high pr networks as there are loads of them.

          Now i'm afraid i am done with posting on this thread and will let my amazing, super intelligent opponent to continue his debate on he's own.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796943].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            Ha no the difference between me and you is that you are a complete loser that makes his life around warrior forum and has got nothing else to do then being a troll.

            I know very well how to define a pr 6 or what makes it a pr 6 and for sure would not need advises from a nonsense like you. People wonder the validity of anything just like they prolly wonder how could you can live with yourself until now. I am not troubled about what people wander dear as i know what i offer.

            I know very well what is high quality and i offer it. I tried in this thread to give some free info to those noobs that you accuse of not knowing nothing. Why would a person that knows this stuffs anyway even come and comment is beyond me.

            It is a basic guide on how to start a high pr renting business fast and start making money. And no your easy methods of making 10.000$ do not exist and those are the real scams. No one is ever offering real deal business models as if those models would work people prefer to keep it to themselfs not to sell it for 5$ on warrior.

            It is peoples decision if to listen or not to my advice, and to be honest i do not care about that as is everyone's responsibility to think about their acts. Businesses that start from 0$ invested or 20$ invested are nothing but a good idea, and will remain only that. I gave here a real life business model, that worked and is working right now.

            Regarding the quality of the model, i have to say is a black hat method but it is working. you just have to make sure, you leave no footprints behind and make your sites look as legit as possible. Google will never catch on all the high pr networks as there are loads of them.

            Now i'm afraid i am done with posting on this thread and will let my amazing, super intelligent opponent to continue his debate on he's own.
            This post once again shows how clueless you are.

            A real life business that needs to be replaced every 6 months

            Now go update your sales thread that you're selling a black hat method to proof your worth.

            High quality black hat, the new phrase for 2014

            2 quotes from you and I'll leave it up to others what to think of this:

            QUOTE 1: Regarding the should not build a site right way as is not needed
            QUOTE 2: make your sites look as legit as possible.

            Make up your mind please.

            Oh and Google will catch up with all the networks hosted at SEO hosts as there are only about 10 medium/large SEO hosting companies out there that are being used by about 95% of the larger sized private networks. It's not a matter of how but when.

            And yes I got nothing better to do to hangout on this forum, wasn't the great live to lie on the beach at a tropical destination? At least that's how you pointed it out. Well let me explain a little.

            Morning: I go eat break fast at some restaurant with my lover before we move to the beach to relax and have a swim
            Afternoon: We take a shower, have great sex, chill a bit and I get to work
            Evening: Buy food either at the market or eat in a restaurant and do a little bit of work
            Night: Go out for a few drinks and fall in sleep in the arms of my gorgeous 23 yr old partner who's in Bangkok right now for a few days and thus I'm wasting my time on you. (I'm 37 and ugly, just for the record ).

            Damn do I hate my life
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796951].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clus03
              Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

              This post once again shows how clueless you are.

              A real life business that needs to be replaced every 6 months

              Now go update your sales thread that you're selling a black hat method to proof your worth.

              High quality black hat, the new phrase for 2014
              The only thing that needs updating in your brain i'm afraid. uuuuu he's offering a a high pr service...well have fun with it cause ur thread is the only one outdated and needs updating.....i mean...have you seen how it looks? lol my god
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796968].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author nik0
                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                The only thing that needs updating in your brain i'm afraid. uuuuu he's offering a a high pr service...well have fun with it cause ur thread is the only one outdated and needs updating.....i mean...have you seen how it looks? lol my god
                I made it myself and I love the look of it.

                Actually I used the very same designer as you mentioned and I have that design eating dust here on my hard drive.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796994].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author clus03
                  Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

                  I made it myself and I love the look of it.

                  Actually I used the very same designer as you mentioned and I have that design eating dust here on my hard drive.
                  Well... at least we both admit Des Lau is an inspired choice lol
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797005].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        I am sure high pr networks will always and forever get busted, that is not the point. The reality is that Google updates their pr just once in like 8 months( for some time now). If you buy strong domains that have a solid backlink profile you have good chances of keeping that pr after Google updates too.

        Some of the sites will undoubtedly fall, and yes of course you need to replace them. that is not even a question, is a sure thing. But the price one would pay to replace those domains, it is acceptable considering the profit would be made in the period between the Google updates.

        I have never ever stated this business model will last forever. Google could come at any time and start updating their pr daily as much as we know. I was saying in the present times this is still a good business. I think you people do not understand the purpose of the thread and keep commenting on unimportant matters.

        If this was a WSO sold with 5$ everybody would say is a great wso and business idea, but if i post it for free, what do come to say in return? That is a bad seo technique? No is not, at all, but most importantly is not a bad business idea.

        I am filling my pockets? no i am not thank you, and even if i would i would from a service i offer and work for, and i offer as i promise. and those people you say would have problems after the pr updates, it is not the case, as pr domains are fastly replaceable.
        Really, How come you don't say that in your WSO then? You tell them the opposite.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797015].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author clus03
          Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

          Really, How come you don't say that in your WSO then? You tell them the opposite.


          Lol. you did not close any case dear. The rankings are long because as i said when any Google update comes, if any sites will get affected, they immediately get replaced. All i see is you contradicting yourself.

          you make it seem like you underline something important in my words, but all you do is underline the fact that you do not know what to say anymore to make it seem that your network is good and mine not. But as a matter of fact you only prove you are desperate.


          It seems to me you need the promotion not me. As i never saw your thread at all ever.

          I did not post here to make people buy from me lol. But i see you reply here to make people think what a great seo person you are. If you were so great in the first would have not replied at all.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797037].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            Lol. you did not close any case dear. The rankings are long because as i said when any Google update comes, if any sites will get affected, they immediately get replaced. All i see is you contradicting yourself.
            I'm not Nik0.

            With every word you write you unveil yourself.

            Who's sites get replaced?

            Your sites get replaced.

            Who gets slapped by Google and loses their online business?

            Your CLIENTS who trusted your lies do.

            Why don't you ask those clients what they would define as long term rankings. It sure as hell ain't what you think it is anyway. Or do you replace their sites as well?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797056].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clus03
              Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

              I'm not Nik0.

              With every word you write you unveil yourself.

              Who's sites get replaced?

              Your sites get replaced.

              Who gets slapped by Google and loses their online business?

              Your CLIENTS who trusted your lies do.

              Why don't you ask those clients what they would define as long term rankings. It sure as hell ain't what you think it is anyway. Or do you replace their sites as well?
              Yes some of my sites did get affected by Google, but i already admitted that. and wait not only my sites...everybody's sites. The ranking of clients do not get affected as i replaced those sites immediately.

              Is this a discussion about my business? dude i presented a business model for people. They find it good or bad is their problem. you find it good or bad is your problem......

              do not connect this with my business, which has been working great as a matter of fact, which only proves my idea is good thank you
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797067].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clus03
              Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

              I'm not Nik0.

              With every word you write you unveil yourself.

              Who's sites get replaced?

              Your sites get replaced.

              Who gets slapped by Google and loses their online business?

              Your CLIENTS who trusted your lies do.

              Why don't you ask those clients what they would define as long term rankings. It sure as hell ain't what you think it is anyway. Or do you replace their sites as well?

              I do not get exactly what your problem is or what lies are you talking about, as i created this thread to give information not to hide anything from anyone.

              Man i have a high pr business. so what????? i do not lie. My links work just fine, and still do, so what is the issue.....cause i can't see any.

              I just thought, since this business worked for me, to tell other people about it, people who might need to make some money fast. Is that a bad thing????? since when is giving information for free such a damn lie and whatever you call it?

              If you do not like what i said fine, but do not accuse me saying that actually my links suck. Please buy them fist, see what rankings they get you then state your opinion. Otherwise whatever you say is water in the wind.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797084].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                I do not get exactly what your problem is or what lies are you talking about, as i created this thread to give information not to hide anything from anyone.

                Man i have a high pr business. so what????? i do not lie. My links work just fine, and still do, so what is the issue.....cause i can't see any.

                I just thought, since this business worked for me, to tell other people about it, people who might need to make some money fast. Is that a bad thing????? since when is giving information for free such a damn lie and whatever you call it?

                If you do not like what i said fine, but do not accuse me saying that actually my links suck. Please buy them fist, see what rankings they get you then state your opinion. Otherwise whatever you say is water in the wind.
                My problem with it is very straight forward. You are sharing a business model that will result in people (clients) losing their online business. Your only mission within this business model is to fill your own pockets as quickly and cheaply as you can before that happens.

                You present this business model with no concern for your actions towards your clients who would buy your service. Your sales page headline demonstrates that clearly. How you are happy to mislead clients into believing that what you offer is a "long term ranking" service. When you have openly admitted here, that this is not a "long term ranking" service.

                You can not revoke the un-natural link penalties your clients will receive from Google when any one of your networks gets spotted.

                That's my problem.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797116].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author clus03
                  Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

                  My problem with it is very straight forward. You are sharing a business model that will result in people (clients) losing their online business. Your only mission within this business model is to fill your own pockets as quickly and cheaply as you can before that happens.

                  You present this business model with no concern for your actions towards your clients who would buy your service. Your sales page headline demonstrates that clearly. How you are happy to mislead clients into believing that what you offer is a "long term ranking" service. When you have openly admitted here, that this is not a "long term ranking" service.

                  You can not revoke the un-natural link penalties your clients will receive from Google when any one of your networks gets spotted.

                  That's my problem.
                  I see your issue. As is obvious that you lost your rankings due to some high pr services. and now because of that you think all high pr links are bad.

                  First of all let me tell you there is no such thing as a service that will make your rankings last forever. It all depends on you as a person that owns a site to create many type of backlinks to your site and not to base your entire business on high pr links. High pr links are only used to boost your site to the top, because of their big power.
                  It is up to you to backup your site with many other type of links too, as according to Google you need a wide variety of link types anyway.

                  If you were careful enough, your sites would have never fallen that much, maybe a few spots, but nothing so significant.

                  The power of this links is undoubted, but pardon me saying, if all you buy for your sites are high pr links then maybe you should give up the seo business and change your field of work.

                  Everything i stated on my thread is true. The power of this links is for long term.....if your sites got hit they got hit cause you did not know how to use this power in the right way.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797293].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
                    Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                    I see your issue. As is obvious that you lost your rankings due to some high pr services. and now because of that you think all high pr links are bad.

                    First of all let me tell you there is no such thing as a service that will make your rankings last forever. It all depends on you as a person that owns a site to create many type of backlinks to your site and not to base your entire business on high pr links. High pr links are only used to boost your site to the top, because of their big power.
                    It is up to you to backup your site with many other type of links too, as according to Google you need a wide variety of link types anyway.

                    If you were careful enough, your sites would have never fallen that much, maybe a few spots, but nothing so significant.

                    The power of this links is undoubted, but pardon me saying, if all you buy for your sites are high pr links then maybe you should give up the seo business and change your field of work.

                    Everything i stated on my thread is true. The power of this links is for long term.....if your sites got hit they got hit cause you did not know how to use this power in the right way.
                    You don't know me or have any idea what I do. But yet you can make assumptions to post a weak defense. Like I said earlier, everything you have said has only put nails in your own coffin.

                    I don't need to pluck the same assumptions about or how you operate from the sky like you're trying to about me, You're doing a perfectly good job of making yourself look silly all by yourself.

                    I've been just bold text quoting you, and laughing at your continuous self contradictions.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797358].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author clus03
                      Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

                      You don't know me or have any idea what I do. But yet you can make assumptions to post a weak defense. Like I said earlier, everything you have said has only put nails in your own coffin.

                      I don't need to pluck the same assumptions about or how you operate from the sky like you're trying to about me, You're doing a perfectly good job of making yourself look silly all by yourself.

                      I've been just bold text quoting you, and laughing at your continuous self contradictions.
                      I don't need any defense. do you actually think i feel threatened by you? lol the only one laughing is me. i just prefer not to add the stupid laughing emoticons but trust me when i see how you complain like a child and when i see how you try so hard to destroy a thread that is good, just because you have some issues in your life and can't accept that sometimes even if you try only end up a failure...well ...what can i say? OH....I LAUGH YES.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797466].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    the people who own ALN(cause they also have other services they offer) they are now on a beach in the sun with no worries.....

    Yeah I am sooooooo happy for that. And the 1000s of former customers of them are still suffering. Isn't life beautiful?

    Thanks for being upfront about your real intention.

    The model of business i gave is good and is working,

    A publicly advertised BLOG NETWORK *today* is a "good business and working"? Working for whom? You?
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
    -> VISIT *** <- Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, Reviews & More!! ***
    *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796786].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    The point is that MANY people don't know # about SEO, they read the ads with the (often) outright lies/claims on public forums and buy links for their site(s).

    Same as with SEO software where people (website owners, businesses etc.) who have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER read somewhere how great Senuke etc. is and are spending big amounts of money because they believe it will rank their sites.

    Two years, ok THREE years ago I would've said great..fantastic you're helping people to set-up a halfway passable business I can only laugh because you seem to blindly ignore what happened over the last two years.

    How many networks have we seen gone down already? Too many to count. How many sites have been penalized and slapped to death and how many people have LITERALLY lost hundreds of thousands if not millions...because they used the networks. And then you come here and advertise this as a good business like nothing happened?
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
    -> VISIT *** <- Internet Marketing, SEO Tips, Reviews & More!! ***
    *** HIGH QUALITY CONTENT CREATION +++ Manual Article Spinning (Thread Here) ***
    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796961].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clus03
      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      The point is that MANY people don't know # about SEO, they read the ads with the (often) outright lies/claims on public forums and buy links for their site(s).

      Same as with SEO software where people (website owners, businesses etc.) who have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER read somewhere how great Senuke etc. is and are spending big amounts of money because they believe it will rank their sites.

      Two years, ok THREE years ago I would've said great..fantastic you're helping people to set-up a halfway passable business I can only laugh because you seem to blindly ignore what happened over the last two years.

      How many networks have we seen gone down already? Too many too count. How many sites have been penalized and slapped to death and how many people have LITERALLY lost hundreds of thousands if not millions...because they used the networks. And then you come here and advertise this as a good business like nothing happened?
      as far as i see i sense a bit of hatred in there....your sites must have gotten affected too prolly. I am sorry for you, and i admit there are so many scams. I mean i bought services from other people too......god for one i never ever saw their links anywhere.

      as for Senuke....the worst software ever. At least this is what i think.

      But the business model i present has nothing to do with this. If people would fallow the steps i presented they would acquire good domains. Even my friend here Nik0 admits that high pr links are not a waste of time of you know how to deal with them. You just have to think of quality and create the sites having this in mind.

      This type of links do help. Is a fact. I mean he is telling me i'm outdated then he admits to be having a network of its own.

      Taking this into account maybe you should stop buying links from others(since most people do not offer quality) and start building your own network and build your backlinks on it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796984].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author clus03
        as about those quotes nik0. Again you got it all wrong.

        first was referring to the site where you present your business. Like from where clients buy and i suggested is not need asap as many sellers now use Wofoo a form builder and don't bother with building fancy sites.

        and the second was referring to the high pr sites.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8796989].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author nik0
          Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

          as about those quotes nik0. Again you got it all wrong.

          first was referring to the site where you present your business. Like from where clients buy and i suggested is not need asap as many sellers now use Wofoo a form builder and don't bother with building fancy sites.

          and the second was referring to the high pr sites.
          I would love to see a sample site I will make a screenshot of it and blunt out all content / data that makes it possible to identify it and post it here, or you can do it yourself
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797014].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nik0
        Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

        This type of links do help. Is a fact. I mean he is telling me i'm outdated then he admits to be having a network of its own.
        LOl WHAT??????????

        Of course these links work, no one ever debated that.

        The discussion is about HOW you set it up and HOW long it will last in that setup.

        DAMN.... you will never get it do you?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797001].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author clus03
          Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

          LOl WHAT??????????

          Of course these links work, no one ever debated that.

          The discussion is about HOW you set it up and HOW long it will last in that setup.

          DAMN.... you will never get it do you?
          i'm glad you agree. Then this thread should be good. My basic advises together with your ones make it a good business idea.

          I have no problem with shared hosting everybody is welcome in using it i just prefer my way, but of course might not be the best.

          Niche sites are also great, i never said they were't.

          checking the backlinks of a site before you buy it is also great, never said it wasn't.

          all good stuffs
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797011].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nik0
            Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

            i'm glad you agree. Then this thread should be good. My basic advises together with your ones make it a good business idea.
            LOL WHAT??????????

            You really love reading between the lines right.

            I said it's WRONG HOW YOU SET IT UP, nothing to agree about that.

            The only single thing we agree about is that the links work, however in your setup for a very SHORT period of time, making it in fact a big waste of money as once the network go's down the client gets penalized more often then not.

            As about my statement from the faked PR5-PR6 domains, this are your stats:

            PR5 DA20
            PR5 DA25
            PR6 DA26
            PR6 DA26

            Still you claim that you have the very best domains, well honestly, I never ever saw in my whole life a PR6 domain with a domain authority of only 26. Twice I bought a PR6 domain, the first one had DA51, the second one DA58, they costed me $2000 in total. You claim that a whole network costs about $1400,-

            I would also love to see the back link profile of the PR3 with a DA of 51. Must be spammed to death lol
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797022].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author clus03
              Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

              LOL WHAT??????????

              You really love reading between the lines right.

              I said it's WRONG HOW YOU SET IT UP, nothing to agree about that.

              The only single thing we agree about is that the links work, however in your setup for a very SHORT period of time, making it in fact a big waste of money as once the network go's down the client gets penalized more often then not.

              As about my statement from the faked PR5-PR6 domains, this are your stats:

              PR5 DA20
              PR5 DA25
              PR6 DA26
              PR6 DA26

              Still you claim that you have the very best domains, well honestly, I never ever saw in my whole life a PR6 domain with a domain authority of only 26. Twice I bought a PR6 domain, the first one had DA51, the second one DA58, they costed me $2000 in total. You claim that a whole network costs about $1400,-

              I would also love to see the back link profile of the PR3 with a DA of 51. Must be spammed to death lol

              you would love many things i see. But my domains are not the debate here as i gave complete information about them on thread. yours are indeed a debate as you are the one posting on my thread.

              The way i set them up is the best and most simple way. and for sure is long term as the Google update affected only a few of my properties.

              Oh poor thing he has 2 pr6es.......well i have around 30. all the newest ones having DA over 30. Have you been buying any high or domains lately? Cause maybe if you would have you would know that a DA of 51 should cost you up to 5000 even more on godaddy. Going after the business model you are presenting, you would have to be super rich even before starting any business.

              Why the hell would a person that is rich would start a high pr business to have to deal with so many clients, and charge 40$ a month is beyond me. I presented this model, which not so high DA and PA because is the only affordable one, but still really good. It still achieves really good rankings.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797060].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author nik0
                Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                you would love many things i see. But my domains are not the debate here as i gave complete information about them on thread. yours are indeed a debate as you are the one posting on my thread.

                The way i set them up is the best and most simple way. and for sure is long term as the Google update affected only a few of my properties.

                Oh poor thing he has 2 pr6es.......well i have around 30. all the newest ones having DA over 30. Have you been buying any high or domains lately? Cause maybe if you would have you would know that a DA of 51 should cost you up to 5000 even more on godaddy. Going after the business model you are presenting, you would have to be super rich even before starting any business.

                Why the hell would a person that is rich would start a high pr business to have to deal with so many clients, and charge 40$ a month is beyond me. I presented this model, which not so high DA and PA because is the only affordable one, but still really good. It still achieves really good rankings.
                30 fake ones yes, enjoy selling links on faked domains.

                You have no clue whatsoever if you think that PR6's must cost $5000+

                Actually you have no clue about anything.

                I'll leave it at that and will laugh my ass off when your whole network gets taken down.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797302].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author clus03
                  Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

                  30 fake ones yes, enjoy selling links on faked domains.

                  You have no clue whatsoever if you think that PR6's must cost $5000+

                  Actually you have no clue about anything.

                  I'll leave it at that and will laugh my ass off when your whole network gets taken down.
                  Oh and you know my domains are fake because you are reading it in your lucky ball. dude you are dreaming wake up.....u r beyond stupid
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797441].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                    Well here are my thoughts......

                    Nah... I rarely get to be the one with the popcorn. I'm going to sit back and pop in a few kernels.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797468].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author nik0
                    Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                    Oh and you know my domains are fake because you are reading it in your lucky ball. dude you are dreaming wake up.....u r beyond stupid
                    You just admitted yourself that PR6 domains cost in the range of $5000,- and at the same time you say it would be beyond (stupid perhaps) to rent links on such for $40/month.

                    The lucky ball is right here on the posts that you write.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797556].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
                      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

                      Well here are my thoughts......

                      Nah... I rarely get to be the one with the popcorn. I'm going to sit back and pop in a few kernels.
                      Your late to the party..this fish has already been fried..
                      They're just trolling now with nonsense and insults hoping for a thread delete. Praying no one who buys they're crappola will ever see this most likely.

                      Originally Posted by nik0 View Post

                      You just admitted yourself that PR6 domains cost in the range of $5000,- and at the same time you say it would be beyond (stupid perhaps) to rent links on such for $40/month.

                      The lucky ball is right here on the posts that you write.
                      And they have 30 of those PR6 's too...But only sell one very dodgey looking one to the Public. Must be saving them for their own sites I bet.

                      Originally Posted by clus03 View Post

                      Oh poor thing he has 2 pr6es.......well i have around 30. all the newest ones having DA over 30. Have you been buying any high or domains lately? Cause maybe if you would have you would know that a DA of 51 should cost you up to 5000 even more on godaddy. Going after the business model you are presenting, you would have to be super rich even before starting any business.
                      Kind of says it all about the amount of smoke they're blowing.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797587].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                        Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

                        Your late to the party..this fish has already been fried..
                        They're just trolling now with nonsense and insults hoping for a thread delete.
                        yeah you are all ganging up on Clus but two things to consider

                        He/she thinks Senuke is the worst software ever


                        He/she is arguing with Nik0

                        So how bad can she/he be? Got my vote

                        You go girl!

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797649].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Enough of this. You two need to knock it off. You look like little children bickering back and forth. If I was a potential buyer and saw this thread, I wouldn't buy from either one of you.

    Truth is, you are arguing over who has the better smelling turd.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797069].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author clus03
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      Enough of this. You two need to knock it off. You look like little children bickering back and forth. If I was a potential buyer and saw this thread, I wouldn't buy from either one of you.

      Truth is, you are arguing over who has the better smelling turd.
      Man you're right. I go out. Bye all
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797086].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author raitoavi
    I'm actually a customer of clus03 so I think I could contribute a bit from my perspective.

    I've had a few experiences over the years with various services, especially WSOS that provide seemingly magical results that lasted a short period span (usually until a new google update arrives), those are brutal indeed once they get smashed.

    Now, I have a trip to Thailand coming up shortly and my thought was that I could use some extra cash to both help my family who reside there, and of course to vacation. With that taken into consideration and going through hundreds of WSOs, noticing high PR posts have been doing great at the time (I tried some other PR services before) I took the chance fully knowing the risk/reward when I came across clus03's WSO who caught my eye.

    Results : The site has been quite stable in several top 3 positions for over two months (I don't consider that long term). This translated into much needed earnings, all of which go towards the goal I mentioned. So as far as I'm concerned I picked the right service and am quite thankful for that.

    Now, would I trust my livelihood or even my most important websites all in the hands of this type service? (PR networks) I most certainly would not. Despite the fact that results have shown otherwise, it is no indication of the future. Of course I'd be happy to be proven wrong about that by clus03.

    There have been plenty of valid points made in this thread, and while some are by direct competitors who find brutalizing others to be a great tactic to increase their own business, some are actually by concerned members who genuinely care about others like myself who are trying to make it, and I'm disappointed that clus03 resorted to emotional responses instead of rebutting, though an argument could be made that it was because it couldn't be rebutted, it can also be made that she was just genuinely pissed off.

    So that's my take, I hope clus03 can take a little criticism from one of her happier customers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797848].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      He/she is arguing with Nik0

      So how bad can she/he be? Got my vote

      You go girl!
      Originally Posted by raitoavi View Post

      I hope clus03 can take a little criticism from one of her happier customers.
      Funny thing is, I have no problem at all with the method used to set up the network the prices they charge, the money they make etc..

      The only issue I had was the blatant disregard for their clients in how they set up the sites within the network. It reads like a "how low can you go" guide to making as much profit as possible before Google pulls the plug on you.

      The only loser is going to be the clients of the network. And they've pretty much admitted to that publicly in this thread. ALN owners sitting in the Sun, buying $2 articles from writers with English as their third language, over-selling each network with random article themes and links.

      I mean c'mon really? Anyone with a memory greater then a Goldfish knows exactly how networks like this end up. I don't think anyone really needs an education about that do they? This type of network is Circa 2010.

      For Clus:
      Here you go,

      20 Site Network:

      Month 1
      Take the first $8000 (500 per site) of profit you make in your first month out, and use that to drop $500 into the full development of each of those 20 sites. I mean development as in. Design, Content, Optimization etc..
      Keep $2000 for yourself as profit.

      Month 2:
      Take $4000 (200 per site) out of that $10k to further improve Design, Content, Optimization etc..
      Keep $6000 for yourself as profit.

      Month 3 Onwards:
      Take $2000 (100 per site) out of that $10k to maintain Design, Content, Optimization etc..
      Keep $8000 for yourself as profit.

      Yes imagine that?
      • Making those network sites into "REAL" sites
      • Sites that rank for their own respective keywords (Use internal linking to rank internal pages with other forms of monetization),
      • Sites that get their own traffic,
      • Sites that even make their own money outside of link selling

      Realize those site should have enough juice to rank easy for some wisely chosen keywords without any external link building needed. (Internal links)

      Imagine the world you would live in? A comfortable world where both you "AND" your clients would be happily ranking and banking for "YEARS" to come.

      Just to add: You can charge a lot more then $60 a month for a network set up like that. = More profit.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8797907].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Kevin Maguire View Post

        Month 1
        Take the first $8000 (500 per site) of profit you make in your first month out, and use that to drop $500 into the full development of each of those 20 sites. I mean development as in. Design, Content, Optimization etc..
        Keep $2000 for yourself as profit.

        Month 2:
        Take $4000 (200 per site) out of that $10k to further improve Design, Content, Optimization etc..
        Keep $6000 for yourself as profit.

        Month 3 Onwards:
        Take $2000 (100 per site) out of that $10k to maintain Design, Content, Optimization etc..
        Keep $8000 for yourself as profit.

        Yes imagine that?
        • Making those network sites into "REAL" sites
        Won't make a lick of difference. The number one foot print is not crappy content. its

        A) the link count on the page
        B) the low quality of the sites being linked to.

        Nik0 and a lot of link sellers are fooling themselves and their customers. the sites still can be spotted as a network a mile away. The only safe way to build a network is to have just a few links but the market will not allow for the prices that will have to be charged so everyone is pretending they have dressed their pig up so it looks like Miss Universe.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798358].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          [/LIST]Won't make a lick of difference. The number one foot print is not crappy content. its

          A) the link count on the page
          B) the low quality of the sites being linked to.

          Nik0 and a lot of link sellers are fooling themselves and their customers. the sites still can be spotted as a network a mile away. The only safe way to build a network is to have just a few links but the market will not allow for the prices that will have to be charged so everyone is pretending they have dressed their pig up so it looks like Miss Universe.
          Yeah true, I forgot about those pesky clients...

          A $50 network is a fiverr blast on your network waiting to happen too.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798392].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by raitoavi View Post

      Another issue is that clus03 deleted the link to this thread from her WSO after getting attacked, people notice that sort of thing... I know I did and didn't like it.
      No comprende. Why in the world should a seller keep a link to a thread he/she is being trashed in on a WSO that he paid for? No ecommerce website or sales page on the planet would keep that link.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8798416].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Come on you guys, lets play nice.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author netanel23
    Sweet! More crappy high PR services will popup with ridiculous claims and then get slaughered because they don't know what they are doing. But screw the clients that are paying good money for what they believe to be a good service.
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  • Profile picture of the author raitoavi
    I got more than my money's worth for however months it lasted, sadly that may not be the case for many of her other clients. You guys were without a doubt right. Vanished on clients, deleted original thread, stopped responding to e-mails.
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    • Profile picture of the author timpears
      Originally Posted by raitoavi View Post

      I got more than my money's worth for however months it lasted, sadly that may not be the case for many of her other clients. You guys were without a doubt right. Vanished on clients, deleted original thread, stopped responding to e-mails.
      Well you guys thrashed her, what would you expect?

      Tim Pears

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      • Profile picture of the author raitoavi
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        Well you guys thrashed her, what would you expect?
        What you're saying doesn't make the least bit of sense. Because she herself opened a thread where she got bombarded by as it turns out justified criticism and then took new orders up to several weeks later only to delete her original WSO thread, vanish on subscribers, no longer respond to e-mails and so on, only to move on to the next big thing as if nothing happened.

        Also, I did not trash her until this point, all I did was admit that I consider this type of service to be more blackhat, and to use it with caution, I actually gave her several compliments at the time for the ranking improvements.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin Maguire
          Originally Posted by raitoavi View Post

          What you're saying doesn't make the least bit of sense. Because she herself opened a thread where she got bombarded by as it turns out justified criticism and then took new orders up to several weeks later only to delete her original WSO thread, vanish on subscribers, no longer respond to e-mails and so on, only to move on to the next big thing as if nothing happened.

          Also, I did not trash her until this point, all I did was admit that I consider this type of service to be more blackhat, and to use it with caution, I actually gave her several compliments at the time for the ranking improvements.
          Sorry to hear that. Not surprised, but still crap to be on the receiving end of a bogey network.
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          • Profile picture of the author raitoavi
            Thanks Kevin, but quite frankly I came out with a very positive profit from the deal, I'm more upset from the ethical point of view, and I'm only commenting thinking about those who really got screwed over. But time to move on
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by timpears View Post

        Well you guys thrashed her, what would you expect?
        Actually, it started out as a few people suggesting that some of her tips were not the best ideas. She immediately turned it personal and started lashing out at people.

        From there, the thread turned mostly into a pile of trash.

        You cannot see most of it because I deleted damn near the whole thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author artpeople
    hands down one of the best posts i have ever read on the warrior forum!

    thank you so much for sharing. ignore the haters, you did a great service in sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghoster
    I would just write very high quality, useful content before I ever bought links but that's just me.

    On the whole, you get what you pay for.

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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    I was one of biggest individual link sellers around and have close to $1M in link sales. At the height of my business, I had 4*PR7, 58*PR6 and 108*PR5 sites selling links. I rarely had less than 50 PR5 and PR6 sites at a time. Although I recognize a lot of what Claudia wrote in OP, I strongly disagree with her figures which in my experience were far too optimistic.

    Anyway, my link selling business is more or less gone now, after multiple attacks from Google. You can take as many precautions in hiding your sites from Google. Still there is always something that you cannot fully guard against. For example, you cannot guard against busy people reporting your site. I dealt with many link brokers and I do know of anyone who is in great state now. Nobody would believe me to what lengths that Google would go to stamp out link selling.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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    • Profile picture of the author 52.ct
      Originally Posted by derekwong28 View Post

      I was one of biggest individual link sellers around and have close to $1M in link sales. At the height of my business, I had 4*PR7, 58*PR6 and 108*PR5 sites selling links. I rarely had less than 50 PR5 and PR6 sites at a time. Although I recognize a lot of what Claudia wrote in OP, I strongly disagree with her figures which in my experience were far too optimistic.

      Anyway, my link selling business is more or less gone now, after multiple attacks from Google. You can take as many precautions in hiding your sites from Google. Still there is always something that you cannot fully guard against. For example, you cannot guard against busy people reporting your site. I dealt with many link brokers and I do know of anyone who is in great state now. Nobody would believe me to what lengths that Google would go to stamp out link selling.
      Google seems to be the common Achilles heel with all private blog networks. Has anyone IM ever built a link selling, high traffic (notice high traffic not high page rank) network of websites that did not rely on Google or any search engine for traffic?
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      • Profile picture of the author danparks
        Originally Posted by 52.ct View Post

        Google seems to be the common Achilles heel with all private blog networks. Has anyone IM ever built a link selling, high traffic (notice high traffic not high page rank) network of websites that did not rely on Google or any search engine for traffic?
        Not sure how that would work. If these hypothetical sites were each getting high traffic, and that traffic wasn't coming from search engines and (I assume) wasn't paid-for bot traffic, then I suppose the traffic would be coming from social media? Hard to do, and if done I think the sites would need to be niche-specific and very good (in order to get a big, legitimate social media buzz generating traffic). If that was achieved, then I would think the only people who would be interested in buying links from such a site would be site owners in the same niche as the network site. For instance, if one site was about cosmetics (something that might get some social media buzz from young girls), then a site owner with a tech site looking for traffic wouldn't be interested in buying a link from that site as he knows little of the traffic to a cosmetics-related site will click on a link to his tech-related site.

        Or am I completely off track regarding what you're proposing?
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