Offer More Private Message Storage For A Fee

6 replies
Aside from the 500 messages allowed by paid status War Room Members...

I'm like others always dinkin' around trying to figure what crucial private messages I'm to keep and what to delete. Then there are times I fear I may miss a message because my box is full. Right now as the free option goes, each member gets 10 total stored messages, both for inbox and sent.

I'd like to a see a pay option to purchase more storage space... like 25, 50 or 100 messages, etc, each having their own price. It could either be lifetime or annual. Heck I'd toss in $5 to have 25 just to save me some hassle.

#fee #message #offer #private #storage
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Scroll to the bottom of the PM page and you'll see an option to save everything that's there, sent and received.

    Your idea sounds good, but I doubt it will happen. I don't see the demand for it, and it would just fuel the "they're only in it for the money, those greedy bastiches!" nonsense. Strange how that's the first thing you hear from many marketers, but it is.
    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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    • Profile picture of the author LastWarrior
      I didn't see an option to "Save", per se', but saw 3 options where I can download a XML, CSV or TEXT file. That will have to do.

      Thanks for the reply Paul.


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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Acharyaa
      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      Scroll to the bottom of the PM page and you'll see an option to save everything that's there, sent and received.

      Your idea sounds good, but I doubt it will happen. I don't see the demand for it, and it would just fuel the "they're only in it for the money, those greedy bastiches!" nonsense. Strange how that's the first thing you hear from many marketers, but it is.
      Hey Paul, i see a download option but that's not really a good option IMO. I'd rather pay 5 dollars extra to have the number raised from 10 so that i don't have to keep deleting my messages every now and then. I deleted few messages last week and with a message i received yesterday i have 6 stored right now. But warrior forum says 90% of my inbox is full lol. Have no idea whats going on.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Don't forget the "sent" messages also count.

        Pay $20 to join the War Room section and you'll have 500 PMs to use.

        Now that Freelancer have bought the WF, I guess there is a good chance they will increase the private message amount for non War Room members.
        I would not expect that to happen. The low limit inhibits new members from joining to advertise by PM and that's a plus.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author dedideals
    I wouldnt think many would use that many but it is a good option to have
    BoxSrv - SHOUTcast, Shared hosting, Domain names, managed servers, vps's and more
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Now that Freelancer have bought the WF, I guess there is a good chance they will increase the private message amount for non War Room members.

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