Step by Step to $5,000 p/m (from scratch) with affiliate Marketing

8 replies
So I just finished up a different journey which I deemed a success, this was my last update...

"Last month was our best month so far with our membership site. We did $7476.48 which was dope as we're well on our way to a 6 figure membership."

You can check the updates on that one by clicking here.

Even though I can't say, documenting these journies publicly is fun for me, because you have to share the failures too I think they are useful for a few reasons...
  1. It keeps me accountable
  2. It helps people just starting out on their journey and people in the midst of theirs right now
  3. Makes me write more, the more I write the better my writing becomes

This affiliate journey is a little meta. I have partnered with a super affiliate to offer free affiliate training alongside me to my growing audience.

"But Jouvan how can you help anyone become a successful affiliate when you're doing this journey?" - I can hear you ask!

Well, affiliate marketing is not new to me. I've made thousands of dollars from it in the past and it is a part of my other business we documented in the previous journey above.

Plus the majority of the training will be done by someone who has done over $1,000,000 in product sales and commissions combined.

"So if you're giving the training away for free, what is the offer?"

Well, this is where it gets good. To be a successful (long-term) affiliate, you will need a few tools. Auto-responder, page builder, funnels etc.

So the super affiliate and I work with an all-in-one marketing solution that has a 2 tier affiliate program.

Meaning, we have a vested interest in people becoming successful affiliates promoting this platform.

It's a win-win all around, the company gets new users, the affiliates get great training and done for you funnels that would typically cost $1,000's and we actually want them to succeed.

I have already created the squeeze page, opt-in bribe, and video sales letter.

It's just a case of marketing to build my list and getting results for our members.

I will document as much as possible here. I will be using free and may be paid traffic to speed things up.

Any questions let me know.

Stay rebelious,

#affiliate #affiliate marketing #free targeted traffic #list building #marketing #p or m #recurring commission #scratch #step
  • Profile picture of the author JamesMill
    appreciate you for sharing and for being transparent throughout your path! It's always great for really green folks to see how it goes throughout the journey to keep them inspired.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    So I have all the affiliate training on my own site now.

    I brought the training into my ecosystem because I am thinking long-term. I know that I will be launching my own products and community on my site in the near future so I want members already there for when that time comes.

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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    • Profile picture of the author N1coleW
      Hm, so you wanna become a mentor or something? or it will be just online courses with case studies, examples?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    So it has been a while since I started this challenge but I had to put things on pause as my main site needed my focus and attention.

    Our main traffic source was organic Instagram but due to algorithm changes, it affected our growth. I did anticipate this coming but was too slow to respond effectively. I'm now putting things in place to get back to growth and I built an app for the membership site to hopefully increase retention.

    This is slowly turning into an update for the other challenge lol. You can read the whole journey here.

    Anyway, I spent this weekend getting everything ready for this affiliate challenge to dive in headfirst and smash it. I will give a detailed update in my next post.

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    So Where am I at?

    I have written a bribe to give away and rebranded my whole site. I am actually pretty happy with it. It is very personal brand-focused.

    I wanted my bribe to be something that when the prospect reads it (it's only short) that they are really happy that they took the time to read it and actually walk away with a plan to get results.

    I have also decided on a selection of products that I will be promoting. My criteria is "would I recommend a loved one to go buy it" if so then I can promote it in confidence.

    Time to focus on traffic and conversions.

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    Unfortunately, I am putting a stop to this challenge/journey reason being I feel like I am splitting my focus from my main earner which is the membership site with my fiance. By doing so there is a decline in the growth and I could be missing out on a major opportunity to grow it too well into the 6 figures and beyond. So killing this site until at least the new year.

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
    Plus the majority of the training will be done by someone who has done over $1,000,000 in product sales and commissions combined.

    What is/was your net profit for that figure?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
      Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

      Plus the majority of the training will be done by someone who has done over $1,000,000 in product sales and commissions combined.

      What is/was your net profit for that figure?
      That was not my result I have not come anywhere near a million yet. I was referencing someone else and if I am not mistaking the $1M number was a combination of affiliate commissions and his own product sales over the course of a few years. I wouldn't know his net profit number

      I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==>

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