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What is a fair price to have a WordPress theme designed?

Nothing complicated... But it needs to be visually attractive. I have example sites for reference.

I only have two 'must have' elements included (Table & Slider).

#design #info
  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    If you're referring to the graphic design and coding...

    Outsourcing (india, china, pakistan, etc) $100 - $200
    Hungry College Kid w/exp: $250 - $350
    Professional Web Dev: Maybe $750. But more likely $1000 - $2000

    If it's just the design

    Outsourcing (india, china, pakistan, etc) $30 - $75
    Hungry College Kid w/exp: $100 - $150
    Professional Web Dev: Maybe $350. But more likely $500+
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesg3
      Outsourcing (india, china, pakistan, etc) Cheap but you may never get it. Or it may take 90 days, lol. Been there done that.

      Good job ='s up to 2500.00 "Yes this is theme only!!!"

      mid level decent job ='s around 400 to 1000

      ok third best =" 150.00 to 400

      Theme hackers and people who build on free downloaded themes and dont offer support or run away when you call them to fix the issues with javascript problems or things like this ="s $ 35.00 to 150.00
      Serious Wordpress sites, html/css sites and flash sites Cheap. I provide killer SEO, easy to use e-commerce solutions and payment gateways. Check me out at Serious Website Design.
      Need Hosting with serious speed and power? 3.99 a month. Take a look here. Serious Website Hosting.
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      • Profile picture of the author jamesg3
        We do Upper mid to high level custom hand built themes for around 250.00 to 750.00 depending on how many goodies I'm adding to it. Like built in short-codes and things like accordion sliders, pricing tables, admin dashboard features and so on. Just Depends. The price is a bit higher but we also provide support for the life of that theme. It does Make a difference.
        Serious Wordpress sites, html/css sites and flash sites Cheap. I provide killer SEO, easy to use e-commerce solutions and payment gateways. Check me out at Serious Website Design.
        Need Hosting with serious speed and power? 3.99 a month. Take a look here. Serious Website Hosting.
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        • Profile picture of the author MisterE
          Meyerbytes, Jamesg3,

          Thank you both for your answers and input to my question.

          Another question if you don;t mind..... Would I be better off buying a program like Artisteer, and only outsource the graphic design?

          What I want, in my opinion and with no experience in design or WP code seems very simple to me.

          I did try Fiverr and Fourerr and did get a half dozen or so replies from contractors that said they could do it. The best of these quoted me a higher price ($25 - $50) which left me wondering.... Thus, the original post here.

          Thanks once again,

          "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

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      • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
        Originally Posted by jamesg3 View Post

        Outsourcing (india, china, pakistan, etc) Cheap but you may never get it. Or it may take 90 days, lol. Been there done that.
        Hi James, Checked your design website. Quite contrary to your posts on this forum, one of your designers is an Indian. You call him Scott but his name is Praveen. I guess that makes things clear.
        >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - XtraPunch.com <<
        Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

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        • Profile picture of the author MisterE

          Thank you for your input as well, I need all the information I can get, and yours is in line with what others have said which makes it all that more valuable to me.


          "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

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  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    Try themeforest.net...sliders are common on most themes. The design and coding is usually top notch. Only downside is that you won't have an original design.
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3846910].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MisterE

      Themeforest was one of the 'theme' sites that I looked at. I spent close to three hours looking at what was available. I did see two or three that looked great.... The only drawback was the placement of the tables (think review) that I want side by side to the slider. I couldn't, and haven't found a design yet that has this look with one exception, a free theme that requires the footer links to remain in place. I don't like where these URLs resolve to otherwise I would use it. I have tried to buy this theme from the developer but so far no joy. I did send him a second request for a purchase but haven't heard anything yet. The first time I contacted him he said that the theme was not for sale.

      My next plan of attack is to try and find a plugin that will incorporate the tables.... Looks like I'm going to try and create something myself.

      The domain that I want to apply this theme to is sitting at #17 with no content so far. Time is of the essence right now, so I need to find a solution fast.


      "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3847013].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jamesg3
        Artisteer produces low level sites as far as graphics and design are concerned. I know a guy who uses artisteer to get his frameworks and rebuilds the design from there. It must work good for him because he makes roughly 4500.00 a month using it. I think you need some photoshop skills and a bit of structure knowledge to know where to add your images and how to relink them. Although you could always use firebug, find the element and name it the same and save it as the same format. Then you just drop in your new graphics and whamo! you have a custom site. Or you could try the photoshop plugin that produces Wp sites for you, You just design them in photoshop, add tags to your layers and Whamo! you have a Wp site theme. I can not say that either produce good code or will work very well.
        Serious Wordpress sites, html/css sites and flash sites Cheap. I provide killer SEO, easy to use e-commerce solutions and payment gateways. Check me out at Serious Website Design.
        Need Hosting with serious speed and power? 3.99 a month. Take a look here. Serious Website Hosting.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3847059].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author MisterE
          Originally Posted by jamesg3 View Post

          I think you need some photoshop skills and a bit of structure knowledge to know where to add your images and how to relink them. Although you could always use firebug, find the element and name it the same and save it as the same format. Then you just drop in your new graphics and whamo! you have a custom site. Or you could try the photoshop plugin that produces Wp sites for you, You just design them in photoshop, add tags to your layers and Whamo! you have a Wp site theme.
          James, you make it sound so simple!

          One way or another I'm going to get this done. Your reply and Meyerbytes have been of great benefit to me. It's nice to know that I'm on track for the possible solutions to my project.

          I installed Themedreamer a few days back, loaded up the theme that I wanted to emulate... But... The theme wouldn't render in Themedreamer or show up correctly in Dreamweaver.

          Firebug has been one of my favorite Firefox addons, not because I know what to do with it but because it's fun to play with. Just can't seem to find out how and where to place the code in WP. I don't want to copy verbatim the theme that I want to use, feels to much like cheating and I'm not looking for any trouble with the creator.


          "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

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          • Profile picture of the author jamesg3
            You can use a combination of Firebug and Firefinder. If you are familiar with The "DOM" you can locate it in just a few seconds. Also, use Firebug in conjunction with Notepadd++ and Filezilla. In filezilla, set up the file editor to be the default for Filezilla. That way you just ftp up to your server, in firebug you see the css on the right and html on the left, you will see a line beside your css like this stly.css and it will show the line in your file. So In filezilla, just right click on that file, choose edit and make the change. I will provide you a small tutorial today to show you some cool things to do. Give me an hour or 2 ok. This will help you along with your themes a great deal.
            Serious Wordpress sites, html/css sites and flash sites Cheap. I provide killer SEO, easy to use e-commerce solutions and payment gateways. Check me out at Serious Website Design.
            Need Hosting with serious speed and power? 3.99 a month. Take a look here. Serious Website Hosting.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3847269].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author MisterE
              Originally Posted by jamesg3 View Post

              You can use a combination of Firebug and Firefinder. If you are familiar with The "DOM" you can locate it in just a few seconds. Also, use Firebug in conjunction with Notepadd++ and Filezilla. In filezilla, set up the file editor to be the default for Filezilla. That way you just ftp up to your server, in firebug you see the css on the right and html on the left, you will see a line beside your css like this stly.css and it will show the line in your file. So In filezilla, just right click on that file, choose edit and make the change. I will provide you a small tutorial today to show you some cool things to do. Give me an hour or 2 ok. This will help you along with your themes a great deal.
              Now that was a fantastic post!!!!

              Thanks James!

              "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill" Christopher Parker

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  • Profile picture of the author xtrapunch
    "Visually attractive" is what designers charge you for. Just a logo can cost you $250 (this is the rate of an Indian designer friend). Complete design even more, or at least that price. Coding the site can take another $100-250 or more, depending upon the features required. By the way, it's not Indian vs American or something. The actual problem is quality vs price. If you want to pay less, don't expect the top notch quality.

    By the way, if Frontpage, Dreamweaver or Firebug could create designs, everyone would have been a designer and I would have been out of job Unfortunately, these are just tools. You need to have design sense to create pleasing websites. And, for lean and efficient website, you need to know the codes (PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY).

    If you want to learn Wordpress theme designing, head over to WordPress Codex site.
    >> Web Design, Wordpress & SEO - XtraPunch.com <<
    Web Design & SEO Agency | Serving World Wide from New Delhi, India

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