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Posted 11th October 2011 at 07:42 AM by Gill

I travelled to Dubai recently for a week of sun however mostly for some rest and relaxation.

The minute we got off our plane to the moment we left was fantastic, however we had one experience which really made me wonder why do some sellers get it so wrong even in this day and age?

My eldest daughter was promised a new watch - it had to be a specific colour and like the UK singer Jesse J's!!!!!

On holiday we took a trip to Dubai mall - a huge shopping centre...
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Posted 10th October 2011 at 02:34 AM by Gill

I spent a couple of hours yesterday (Sunday) with my kids at our local leisure centre.

When we arrived we went to pay for our tickets for our swim, only to be told it was FREE as it was family day!

"Fantastic!! " we thought, although I have to admit I instantly had images of a garden swimming pool scene from 'The Simpsons' - hundreds of kids screaming and jumping and landing on top of each other!!

"OK - Just go with it" I thought!...
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3, 2, 1...ACTION !!!

Posted 30th August 2011 at 03:09 AM by Gill

Like in a movie, actors need prompting by the director to do what they need to do or say what they need to say in order to make the scene and movie a success.

Well unfortunately in life we do not tend to have a director on tap and getting things done can seem like the most simple thing to do yet the simplest things can take forever to put into action.

I will be honest and say on a personal level I can be pretty hopeless on this front. I have a sore knee that for months...
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Baby Got Back....!

Posted 16th August 2011 at 08:30 AM by Gill


Its been a long 8 weeks but finally after a very rainy summer where we live, my children returned to a new session at school.

I took the liberty of "time out" with them this year as quality time with family just cannot be bought....HOWEVER, boy did I underestimate the newly acquired energy levels and "hyperness" which summer seems to bring to children along with what I'm assuming is a surge in pre teen hormones!!! Unbelievable!!
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"Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die!"

Posted 23rd May 2011 at 04:33 AM by Gill

I heard this track recently when visiting family and it struck me this is a very common feeling.

Yes - to those who believe - heaven will be a great place to be. Nirvana, happiness, peace everlasting, yet there is the one thing we have to pass through first before we can experience the best bits - every single one of us - DEATH!

Now think about all the things in life you aspire for then contemplate what you may have to experience to get there. A by product of this contemplation...
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