Please critique this email!
I am just getting my feet wet in copywriting. If you could give me some pointers to this email I am sending to new subscribers, that would be awesome!
I’m almost ashamed to tell you this...
I thought about the toll my weight was taking on my health... and what “not trying anymore” might mean to my son and daughter...
I told my wife I didn't want my kids growing up feeling embarrassed by their father. Or worse... I didn't want them growing up without a father.
Kalen started to cry. She was afraid if she didn't lose weight and start getting fit she wasn't gonna live long enough to see our little Sarah's wedding.
That got to me too. So we both sat there blubbering. That's when I knew I had to do something radical. You ever tried to lose weight? It’s bloody difficult!
But seriously...the thought of not seeing my kids grow up really got to me. I looked in the mirror and saw this fat ass staring back at me.
Remember how fit we were in high school? Jesus - what happened? Life got in the way. That’s what happened. Kids, work, stress, and the corporate bull**** that sells the “flat stomach” scam pills got in the way.
So... I didn't give up. I redoubled my efforts to find a cure for what I was sure would ultimately kill me. I threw away all the fad garbage... the prepackaged foods... the worthless exercise routines... all of the crap from those infomercials.
And through endless trial and error... and consultations with fitness pros who weren't part of the corporate machine... I stumbled onto an ingenious pattern of eating and moving...
A simple and quick life adjustment that melts away the pounds! I'm not kidding when I say the fat dripped off so fast I literally had to stop buying any clothes for months... or else we'd have to return the stuff before I'd even get a chance to wear it!
And the best part? My sex life was through the roof! Kalen and I have never been more intimate with each other in our entire 12 years of marriage. I was a happy camper. =)
After years of buying the pills, the corporate lies, the “carboloading” crap... Years of buying the B.S.... I discovered the truth about how your body works... and how— if you push the right button — it wants to burn fat all the time.
The Simple Truth
When you throw away those scam pills... dump the useless exercise machines... drop the dangerous fads... and begin this simple, quick, and safe plan, your body naturally sheds the fat for you...
And replaces that fat with lean... healthy... sexy... muscle.
Just push that hidden button you're losing weight and building sexy fat burning muscle 24/7!
Now stay with me here... I know... it's like nothing you've ever heard before... it's not easy to accept that all these years your dieting has done more harm than good.
Taking people who have thought one way their whole lives... and completely changing that thinking was almost impossible...
But it was worth it. Knowing that I will see my son and daughter grow up made it worth it.
******is more than a weight loss program to me. It reflects the love I have for my wife and children, when I was willing to change my life for theirs.
Jordan... go check out my website right now. You’ll find plenty of information that can start helping you lose weight today.
Thanks and God bless,
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At last...pre-written emails for Clickbank products that increase conversions.
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Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
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Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.