Tips If You're Looking For a Copywriter / the Difference Between a Copywriter and an Article Writer
Warriors For Hire - Programmers, Website Designers, Graphic Artists
Please do not post them in this section. This section is intended for discussion about copywriting which is the writing of sales copy that gets people to take action (i.e. opt-in, buy, call your office, etc.). Hence the name "The Copywriting Forum"
Hope that helps,
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
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Copywriting Hacks...
Click here for a: Fast Cure for Any Type of Flu Virus!
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
Samantha - Writing Master | Web Content | Ghostwriter
Beautiful eBook Covers | Text Link Ads ~ $15 a month ~ PR3 Mom Site
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
Why do personal development, self-help, natural wellness and hypnosis small business owners regularly hire me for my engaging, intuitive, creative content writing skills? Because that's what I passionately do best.
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income
Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.
FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income
Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.