Here's How to Get Sales From Your First Email: A Lead Magnet Secret

1 replies
Simple: A deeply personal story.

Yes, go deep down into your deepest, darkest secrets and let your readers know the exact story. Because if you are truly selling something, you ultimately want to be passionate about it. Passion has past experiences that are likely to be negative ones that you've had to learn from. Passion is also what led you to who you are today, seriously. Lastly, passion is what drives your business to great lengths.

Additionally, you want to then give them actionable steps to do whatever your lead magnet is. So that they can go out and do it, and then remember you from your deep story. We love stories, it's scientifically proven. Then afterwards, you basically have their control.

So consider this strategy. Test it for a week. And yes, I'm getting sales right now from this strategy. A ppc strategy behind it (budget doesn't have to be big) is essential also. Just invest the money you get back, quickly, and you'll be printing money.

You welcome Oh, and pm me if you want to team up with me on a joint venture right now. I'll teach you some things about writing and connecting to your readers as well, WHILE you make money, nothing is better than that.

Cheers my friends (I love Warrior Forum),

Jordan S. Daniels
#email #lead #magnet #sales #secret
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Hey Jordan,
    Not sure if it is a "secret" per say lol...
    but it is good advice that unfortunately many do not follow.

    I think Storytelling is something that all people in Internet Marketing should develop with some level of proficiency..

    And the thing is everyone , and yes everyone, at some point in their lives tell Stories.

    Whether it is talking in the locker room about the girl you scored with the previous night or going on and on for hours about how you crushed that new X box video game with your buddy
    ...we all have Stories that are just aching to be told

    Its just a matter of learning how to convey those Stories in a efficient manner within the context of the written word, video, podcast etc..

    If you can do that you are well ahead of the crowd !

    And thanks Jordan for reminding people of this important skill

    - Robert Andrew
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