WhatsApp adds QR codes for businesses

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
2 replies
Facebook is stepping up its eCommerce efforts on WhatsApp as they maximise the 2-billion active user base. As I've mentioned on WhatsApp's updates, they're rolling out QR codes for businesses. Here's a video on the new feature:

As in the video, WhatsApp users can use QR codes to connect to anyone, and can start message threads directly. WhatsApp:

"QR codes are a digital front door that make opening a chat with a business as easy as possible. Previously when people came across an interesting business, they had to add its WhatsApp number to their contacts, one number at a time. Now, people simply can scan the QR code a business displays on its storefront, product packaging or receipt to initiate a chat."

Businesses can use their WhatsApp QR codes, for example, on promotional materials to entice users to directly connect with the business.

What about you? Do you use WhatsApp for your business? Chime in.
#adds #businesses #codes #whatsapp
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  • Profile picture of the author Nasarhayat
    A really good feature for peoples who use Whatsapp for business purposes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11609985].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cocurt
    this is for whatsapp bussines.Here in Peru we dont have that option.I heard in India and Brazil you can make payments via Whtasapp,just like in china with Wechat
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11610374].message }}
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