500th Post Celebration: 15 Year Old Hits 500 Posts on WF
I joined the WF in Jan, but I only became active in June, when I found the Forum again. Since then, I've made 500 posts now, and I've contributed, and gotten more out of this forum then I would have ever thought possible, I won't give an exact stat, but this forum has helped me make more money then I ever thought I could make, especially at my age.
So what better way to give back, then to share some tips for those people who are new to the internet, and new to the Warrior Forum. How about I share the mistakes that I made, so you guys know them, and know how you cannot make the same mistakes. Even some of the older marketers, will still see these mistakes.
First, Time is money. Your time is a vital part, and you only get to live once, you can't "take back time", every second that you spend doing something else you can't get back. Sure, I'm only 15 Years Old, and haven't lived a long life, to have years where I could have been doing something else. But there are weeks that I wish I would have gotten back.
When I started this last summer, I was in a Chat Room at a Domainers Forum, and I would spend every minute of there, because I felt like I fit in. While doing that, I would only spend an hour daily working on my Business and my sites. You wouldn't imagine how much more money; I would have made if I had spent my time building my business. But now I can't get that time back, it's been lost. One day, the chat room banned me, and that was the best day of the summer, because I got back to work, and finally started making more money that I thought I could. They removed that distraction!
Months ago, I would spend time playing on Forums, all of the ones that you've heard of, and I realize today, that had I spent that time building up my Business, man would I being kicking butt more today. But, now I've lost all that time and for what.
So if your sitting there, and you are reading this, but you don't spend any time attempting to make money, you just read all this, then you're wasting your time. And you don't want to do that. I'm addicted to reading e-books etc, but I can only read the first page then I search for the net thing. What I need to do, is take action.
Secondly , TAKE ACTION, this is something that I feel very strongly about, I feel that taking action is the most vital thing in my business, if I didn't take action on the things that I have thought up, or things I saw on the Warrior Forum, I wouldn't be making any money, I would still be someone distracted, and just playing around.
Thirdly, YOU HAVE POTENTIAL, I used to think that it was only "guru a", or whoever is a top gun, was making the most money. I know some of you see the Warrior Forum, and can't ever see yourself being one of those top guys. However, you can be. All you need to do is realize your potential, and act on it.
You don't need to be a genius to make money on the internet, in fact you don't need to be a genius to do most things in life. You just have to realize that you can do it, and be motivated to do it. I am not very motivated, I admit it. Some days, like this morning, I wake up and I just want to laze around all day, but for some reason, as soon as money starts coming in, I got motivated.
Money , Online Business is not just about the money, it's about what your doing. I wouldn't be where I am today, if I was all out for money. I would be another one of those blackhatters making money with "grey" methods. You have to care about your business, and your reputation, and work to make yourself look good, and make yourself better. You need to have the ethics to get going.
Make sure your business is not just about money, but the people who are bringing you money. Every dollar is one that someone is putting into YOUR business, they're giving you money, no matter how big or small the amount, you have to remember, that they want something, and they want to put money into your business, so you need to support every person that puts a dollar into your business, no matter if its 1 million dollars or 5 dollars. You never know what they might give you next, or buy off you next.
The best thing I've learned in my time online, and the best thing I ever did was make the contacts that I have today. I have many people on Skype, gTalk, MSN, e-mail, and more, that are professional Businessman, investors, and more. I know people who want to get into Business, Total Noobies, Teenagers, and so much more. Every few weeks, one of them randomly pops up with a great opportunity for me, if I didn't have contacts I would NOT make ANY money. These people help run my business.
If you got just one thing from this post, that is, anything is possible. I don't care if your 13 years old, or 60, you can still do that. If you want to make money online, YOU WILL. There's no doubt. Maybe it will start slow, but it will COME without a doubt.
Take advantage of your opportunities!
Caleb Spilchen
15 Year Old "500 Poster" Kid
âThe first draft of anything is shit.â ~Ernest Hemingway
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