How to Grow Your Facebook Page and Use It to Increase Leads, Sales, and Conversions

94 replies
Want to learn how to get thousands of fans for your business Facebook page and how to leverage that fan base to increase your business? This posts tells you exactly how to do it using Facebook ads without spending a lot of money and tells you the benefits of doing it that way.

Executive Summary:
  1. Build a large Facebook page with a global audience to stand out from the competition.
  2. Reach your long term goal for likes immediately for the lowest cost possible.
  3. Use the confidence you gain from this large following online to more aggressively generate and convert leads.
  4. Place your Facebook page in a position your leads will find it and let them discover how influential you are.
  5. Continue growing your page and your business to gain access to bigger opportunities and especially opportunities others miss.

If you have a Facebook page for your business and you are in the market of servicing other businesses, you probably are not doing your Facebook page just for fun. You imagine spending time and money to grow your Facebook page will translate into increased revenue. The good news is you are exactly right! The bad news is that getting off the ground is so hard that most B2B Facebook pages will never do it at all. Many business pages fail so fast that they are closed within a few months of being opened. Why? Most of us crave positive reinforcement and are motivated by doing a good job. In the beginning is when this motivation is the most difficult to find. Let's take a look at what most B2B Facebok page owners do.

What is your first impression when you see the number of people that like the pages above? When the ad says "brand launch experts" or "brand your business creatively," how likely are you to trust anything else they have to say after seeing they have 387 people and 174 people respectively that like their page? On a side note, I checked both of these pages today and neither are over 1,000 fans yet even though I saw these ads two weeks ago. What I want to know as a potential customer they are showing their ads to is how I can trust them to launch my brand or promote my brand when they clearly cannot even launch their own brand? The average warrior forum member looking to grow their business Facebook page wants between 10,000 and 100,000 fans on their page. How can a page with 387 or 425 people possibly help?

Do you see why most Facebook business pages never get off the ground? These two pages were paying high ad costs trying to get me to like their page when they had no hopes of getting me as a customer. What they lack is a positive reputation on Facebook. While everyone was new at some point to Facebook, potential business customers today generally are not looking to do business as another company's first customer. Most people prefer to work with a company that demonstrates a clear understanding of what they are doing and has verifiable experience doing it. The way you communicate that on Facebook is by having a large and engaged community.

How do you build an active and engaged community? You do it with Facebook ads. The difference from what these pages were doing is you do not do it with "highly targeted" or "ideal prospects" or "leads" or anything else most people think to start with for the reasons I just mentioned. Think of it like taking a test. When you were in school, did you begin a class by taking the end of year exam first or did you work your ass off and then take the exam after you learned everything you needed to know? Unless you went to a lot different school than I did, you worked your way up to being able to take the test by starting with small successes, learning a little bit at a time, and eventually showing that off in the form of a test.

Growing an engaged and active Facebook community begins with building upon small successes and working your way up to your ideal customer. If I am your ideal customer, I expect you have to 10,000 to 100,000 likes on your page before I even consider working with you. The question you are probably asking at this point is how am I supposed to get there if no one wants to like my page before I am there? The answer is simple. You show ads to people that will like your page and that will tolerate you having a much smaller page. You advertise to people that have almost no chance of becoming your customer. You show ads to people that will like almost any Facebook page that shows interest in who they are and they want.

With more than a billion people to choose from, finding people that will like your Facebook page is easier than ever. What you have to do is target the ads to countries where the ad costs are low and where the competition is non existent. Your page can be one of the first Facebook pages a Facebook user in Indonesia ever sees. They are unlikely to care how many people already like your page because they are new to Facebook and not so quick to judge like I am. You can get started by targeting these countries below. These are from an older like report from my page and will give you an idea of how many people you can get from which country.

When you see a Facebook page like this, what is your first impression?

Compare that first impression to seeing the Facebook pages we first looked at. Are you more likely to trust a page with 500 fans or 500,000? What do you want your potential customers to have as their first impression of who you are online?

For those of you that thought we are done, now is just half way! Just getting this many likes in and of itself is not worth much for business in the door. What is is worth is a million dollars in terms of motivation and long term success. If you had an original goal for your Facebook page in terms of likes, how good would you feel when you hit that goal in just a few weeks for a low cost? One of my original goals for my page was 10,000 likes. Then it was 50,000 and then 100,000 and then 250,000 and then 500,000. Now it is a million. Still, the question remains, how does this help me? First, it provides continual motivation for me to succeed. Second, it has continued to help me increase my conversions.

For getting B2B clients, the Facebook page is a powerful conversion tool that gives potential customers a barometer for what kind of business you are capable of handling. While I have got clients from 25+ countries and almost every US state in the last two years, I have never gotten a client with a larger Facebook page than mine. I believe this is because my customers judge that if their page is bigger than mine, I am unlikely to be able to help them. In fact, if they are even close to the size of my company page, they judge that they are already doing a good enough job themselves. My potential appears to be pages with 60% or less of my total likes. When I had 100,000 likes, this meant it was hard for me to get a page bigger than 60,000 to be my customer. Now, with almost 600,000, the biggest client I have so far has around 350,000.

For Facebook business to business pages, the customer immediately and perhaps even unconsciously judges our ability based on how many people like our page and engage with our page. For this reason, I always recommend building a fan page as big as possible to impress the potential clients considering doing business with you. The best part is that a bigger page both increases your direct ability to make conversions and your confidence which indirectly increases your ability to make conversions. While you can try to generate leads with Facebook ads, I find using other lead generation methods combined with leveraging the strength of the Facebook page provides the best output of more sales. For example, get more people to visit your website and prominently feature your Facebook page. People trust Google AdWords clicks more than Facebook and when they see you have a giant Facebook page on top of that, they will be motivated to do business with you. If you are using a squeeze page or building an affiliate database, the kind of person that visits your squeeze page when you have 2 likes will be a lot less likely to take action than the kind of person that visits your page when you have 50,000 likes. Regardless of the truth, they will assume you are large and established and be more likely to trust you. What you do with that opportunity is up to you of course!

Naturally, people that focus on sticking to the best practices and doing things the right way provide a lot of negative feedback about this strategy. My question to them is when did doing it that way ever help anyone get ahead? Most of the largest and most successful companies got there by engaging the world. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and most of the largest companies, brands, and Facebook pages have a huge following worldwide. Most of that following is not a paying customer. These companies and brands also continually get the best opportunities. If you want to get better opportunities, standing out from the rest and building a strong worldwide following is the way to start. Where you go from there is up to you!

If you want additional help on these topics, you may enjoy my YouTube channel.
#b2b #conversions #facebook #grow #increase #leads #likes #page #sales
  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    I edited the title to this post to be more general. I had high hopes for this post and would value your feedback as to what you liked about it and what else it could offer to prove useful to you!

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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    • Profile picture of the author reno33
      That is some great advice. Maybe a stupid question, but, does this strategy work with any Niche?
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      • Profile picture of the author banwork
        Originally Posted by reno33 View Post

        That is some great advice. Maybe a stupid question, but, does this strategy work with any Niche?
        Thank you! I have seen it work successfully for hundreds of different pages and I have not seen an instance where having a much bigger following was a problem!

        Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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    • Profile picture of the author activate1
      I'm new here and already learning plenty from you pro's. I loved your article. Makes a lot of sense. I've bookmarked this page so that I can follow your instructions. TovahKay
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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    This is really good and I just like what I have posted on the other thread, you have to keep on increasing the visibility of your page to get more active members and you should encourage them to participate each time you host an event and it should be a win-win situation for the both of you. I think it will work for several niches and it will greatly vary on how you are going to execute it and add or change some things to make it work better for you.

    Do You Hate Writing Sales Copy?

    I create killer copy for squeeze pages, video scripts, email auto-responders and sales pages. Click here to see reviews.
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  • Profile picture of the author daddykool
    Excellent examples and real world examples of how *ANYONE* could benefit from ether your teams skillset at banwork or even [like us] DIY!

    Basing on a throughput of 0.01c a clickty click, with a nice targeted and age related, you can increase your own Business / Charity / Most fanpage with some very on key visitors.

    So spend $50, get 5000 clickty clicks, averaging out [depending on what the page subject is] and end up with 500ish, VERY talkative/postalishous likers :-)

    Getting the masses to your page, is very difficult and very confusing for even *hard arse* marketers and advertisers, spending $10,000 a week+ >>> Jerry has just made their job a lot easier by providing REAL PROOF as to how he / you can...

    "Get busy with the Fizzy soda stream of FB traffic" :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author hajro
    I love 1000 likes from US more than 100.000 from Indonesia.
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    • Profile picture of the author BripTech
      Originally Posted by hajro View Post

      I love 1000 likes from US more than 100.000 from Indonesia.
      I would not necessarily agree that statement.

      I am currently trying a new offer newbie-related and it is selling pretty good on asian/indonesian guys/gals, where US market is quite saturated on the same offer (it is a RAP Bank product).

      So I think it all depends on WHAT you are offering and HOW you are promoting it. IMHO

      "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on". (Robert Frost)

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  • Profile picture of the author Queblake
    I currently used this method, and its works great. This is the cheapest method to get traffic if done right.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebestinsj
    Currently using this method as well. Even though my keywords are pretty specific to my page, will the random indonesians and egyptians that like my page actually interact with it?
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  • Profile picture of the author PeepingDakota
    wow! this looks interesting! Will try it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author dvega
    hey banwork, I've been following your posts on here and your blog.videos. Thank you so much for the insights, you've opened my eyes. I've been trying to test this the past few weeks but still can't get it to work.

    I've had a couple different campaigns trying to get likes to a new page I set up. None of the different ad styles worked good. Picked the one with the best CTR, then started new campaign using those demographics, description, etc... .And set up like 28 similar ads with different pictures.

    Here's where I'm at now. I waited a few days like you said but still no good response.

    How many different pictures should I bee trying before I find the one that works?? Or how many different title descriptions should I try without it being too vague? Eager to learn but I've been burning through cash trying to figure this out

    Thanks anyways. WIll keep trying
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8449811].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author johnstephan25
    How can I have these likes without FB Adds??? Any other Free Method if i dont have budget for FB Adds???
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    • Profile picture of the author RobertoM
      Hey banwork,
      I have a couple of questions for you and I'd highly appreciate if you may answer it:

      1) What if you got a page with an active campaign targeted to a very specific audience from main countries (USA, UK, Canada, etc) with only a few page likes, and then you create in the same fan page another ad (with same offers) within the same campaign, but now targeting to those countries where the ad costs are low and with low competition to get massive likes.
      Then when you get a large amount of likes to your page, you pause that ad and switch again to your selected targeted audience. You think it's valid? Can you be banned in FB for using that trick?

      2) You mentioned B2B pages for your method. Is it useful for P2P (person to person) audiences (i.e. women of age 25-50)?

      3) Where can I find your WSO?

      I'll PM this to you in case you don't get back to this thread.
      Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8451488].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CoolitDown
    Does your advice differ for those who are promoting bands, musicians, visual artists, etc.? This is my business model.
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  • Profile picture of the author dvega
    I've tried some new pictures and different script and started getting some more likes. Not at bankwork's scale yet but i see a bit of improvement.

    Something I did yesterday as well was fake the "likes" my page has.. Maybe this helped in the ads working better since people who clicked see a bunch of likes.

    As you can see, my page shows 2,731 likes when it really only has around 50.

    What I did:

    1. Added the free Hike Tab Builder to my page, found here:

    2. I created a simple tab with a picture, nothing fancy. It doesn't really matter what the tab has inside.

    3. Once the tab was created and added to my page, I clicked on the top right corner of the tab to edit settings:

    4. In the settings, I changed the Custom Tab Name to "Likes". I changed the Tab Image to an image I cropped out of on another popular page. You can make the image yourself but I found it easier to just find a popular page with the likes i wanted to fake.

    5. Once saved, I just click on the top right corner of the tab again and clicked on "Swap Position with: Likes".

    Facebook pages only show 4 tabs a once, so when I move the real Likes tab to below the Top 4, the fake Likes tab is shown on top. When people go to my page now, they see 2,731 instead of my measly 50.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8456899].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jasonlwe
      Originally Posted by dvega View Post

      I've tried some new pictures and different script and started getting some more likes. Not at bankwork's scale yet but i see a bit of improvement.

      Something I did yesterday as well was fake the "likes" my page has.. Maybe this helped in the ads working better since people who clicked see a bunch of likes.

      As you can see, my page shows 2,731 likes when it really only has around 50.

      What I did:

      1. Added the free Hike Tab Builder to my page, found here:

      2. I created a simple tab with a picture, nothing fancy. It doesn't really matter what the tab has inside.

      3. Once the tab was created and added to my page, I clicked on the top right corner of the tab to edit settings:

      4. In the settings, I changed the Custom Tab Name to "Likes". I changed the Tab Image to an image I cropped out of on another popular page. You can make the image yourself but I found it easier to just find a popular page with the likes i wanted to fake.

      5. Once saved, I just click on the top right corner of the tab again and clicked on "Swap Position with: Likes".

      Facebook pages only show 4 tabs a once, so when I move the real Likes tab to below the Top 4, the fake Likes tab is shown on top. When people go to my page now, they see 2,731 instead of my measly 50.

      But in our ads, the real amount of likes we have for our pages WILL eventually show up. So this method won't be of much use unless we assume that all the users don't even hesitate to look at that piece of data before thinking about clicking the ad.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8467280].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thedert
    I know for a FACT banworks is legit! I'm using his .01 fb like technique and I'm getting INSANE results!
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  • Profile picture of the author JackCronfield
    If you are basing your business on people from 3rd world countries - then good luck to you. You will not have any buyers there. The quality of the likes is more important than the number of Likes. The likes have no meaning if they do not translate to sales.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8474674].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thedert
      Originally Posted by JackCronfield View Post

      If you are basing your business on people from 3rd world countries - then good luck to you. You will not have any buyers there. The quality of the likes is more important than the number of Likes. The likes have no meaning if they do not translate to sales.
      Depends on your market. I've been using this method and my page's interaction as well as traffic being sent from FB posts has increase dramatically.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8476754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pinkgorilla
    Great post!

    I've had good success posting images that provoke user engagement like shares and comments as well as some contests. Posting images that tells the user to comment/like if... always do well with increasing the popularity of the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    This is really great for people who are serious to increase their leads and sales with their respective Facebook fan page. But we just need to make sure that value and relationship comes first before seeing results, and this is why some people with lots of FB fans on their page are very successful on their campaigns.
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  • Profile picture of the author tazman100
    Banwork, I just want to thank you so much for showing us this. I've been doing FB ads for 2 months now and the most likes I ever got in 1 day was 15. I tried your method last night and in the past day I got to date 82 likes! Most of my clicks were based off of an audience of only 500,000. I just changed it now and increased it to over a million. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again. Much appreciated. I now have hope!

    I would post a screen shot of my #'s but it's asking to post a url for my picture?
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  • Profile picture of the author ghulam786
    But this is a paid tell us a free way getting traffic and sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author infernal199
    What i found earlier that - 95% people dont wanna leave FB just by clicking an outgoing link form any page... they love to read articles or post from your FB page, thats it

    Ask yourself! how many times you click on a link & how many times you just leave it!

    Generate $11,893 every single month! Build a robust online business right from your home computer. Visit:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8491611].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Natino
      Originally Posted by infernal199 View Post

      What i found earlier that - 95% people dont wanna leave FB just by clicking an outgoing link form any page... they love to read articles or post from your FB page, thats it

      Ask yourself! how many times you click on a link & how many times you just leave it!
      This matches my experience infernal

      Does anyone have any advice as to how to increase click thrus from Facebook posts? Presumably you'd have to give them some kind of cause, i.e. inspire emotions?

      Else click thurs are ridiculously low (I'm talking 3-4 link clicks from a post with 1000 likes...)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8492757].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brutecky
    Your always going to have a hard time getting people to leave Facebook. They are there for a reason and that reason IS NOT to buy something from you. (or anyone). They are there to interact with there friends etc. they are NOT in a buyers mind set. Trying to get people to click through your link and go to you sales page is like walking into a restaurant and trying to get people in the middle of a meal to stop eating, leave and listen to your sales pitch. For the most part its NOT going to happen.

    Everyone can get low cost likes these days. Especially with targeting "Indonesia" but guess what. There worthless. Well not totally, but almost. Just about everyone with a Facebook page keeps saying .. I need more likes .. I need more likes .. bla bla... Honestly they are lying to themselves. They dont need more likes, heck they dont even WANT more likes. Not really. What they really want is more leads, more conversions, more traffic to there offer page , more sales. Its just that they erroneously think that 'more likes' is the way to go with that. Guess what it isnt.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8493683].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author overtonis
      Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

      Your always going to have a hard time getting people to leave Facebook. There there for a reason and that reason IS NOT to buy something from you. (or anyone). There there to interact with there friends etc. they are NOT in a buyers mind set. Trying to get people to click through your link and go to you sales page is like walking into a restaurant and trying to get people in the middle of a meal to stop eating, leave and listen to your sales pitch. For the most part its NOT going to happen.

      Everyone can get low cost likes these days. Especially with targeting "Indonesia" but guess what. There worthless. Well not totally, but almost. Just about everyone with a Facebook page keeps saying .. I need more likes .. I need more likes .. bla bla... Honestly they are lying to themselves. They dont need more likes, heck they dont even WANT more likes. Not really. What they really want is more leads, more conversions, more traffic to there offer page , more sales. Its just that they erroneously think that 'more likes' is the way to go with that. Guess what it isnt.
      haha brutecky that is the best assessment of Facebook I have heard to date. However, in terms of getting useless likes from countries like Indonesia it really depends on your business. We started a 'like' campaign in those countries that is giving us 0.01 cpc and to my surprise getting numerous messages asking how they can buy our product.
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  • Profile picture of the author trusodesign
    Wooowww Indonesia no.1 ???
    facebook in Indonesia itself is still a social network that is still widely used. I personally feel it. I have tried the above strategy to develop my business. thank you very nice post !

    Wory Kharisma
    C.E.O Truso Design

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  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    As far as what type of ads will work best for you. It's all about experimentation. FB easily allows you to try different variations of ads, utilize that to your advantage.
    Increase your revenue and earn a $1000 bonus as a new affiliate at!

    For additional advice and industry happenings, head over to MaxBounty's Blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Thanks for this post bro. To the nay sayer's, I have a niche specific fan page and EVERY TIME I post something that I curated on the timeline and ask the fan to read more by linking back to my site I get on average 25%-35% of my total fan pages likes going to the web site. So yeah, maybe those who say it's not possible to get people off of FB and to your site need to think about it a little more.

    Additionally I see exactly where the OP is coming from, it's about perceptions!

    For example, if I market services to local business and my fan page has 50 likes and a business owner looking for my services runs across my web site, clicks though to my Fan page and only see I'm capable of having 50 fans their perception is that I am a newbie!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8496980].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author brutecky
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells;8496980I

      get on average 25%-35% of my total fan pages likes going to the web site
      Thats exemplary considering that 25-35% of your fans wont even see the timeline post unless you boost it.

      Originally Posted by overtonis View Post

      haha brutecky that is the best assessment of Facebook I have heard to date. However, in terms of getting useless likes from countries like Indonesia it really depends on your business. We started a 'like' campaign in those countries that is giving us 0.01 cpc and to my surprise getting numerous messages asking how they can buy our product.
      If your ad had taken them to a landing page / tab on your fan page they would not have had to ask
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8497062].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author overtonis
        Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

        Thats exemplary considering that 25-35% of your fans wont even see the timeline post unless you boost it.

        If your ad had taken them to a landing page / tab on your fan page they would not have had to ask
        but this is our first time running fb ads. We just started with 'like' campaign but now that we are seeing power of paid advertising I agree with you that our next ads needs to be to landing page tab that is designed for conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author BennyP
    Just sent you an email
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    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by thedert View Post

      I know for a FACT banworks is legit! I'm using his .01 fb like technique and I'm getting INSANE results!
      That's awesome!

      Originally Posted by JackCronfield View Post

      If you are basing your business on people from 3rd world countries - then good luck to you. You will not have any buyers there. The quality of the likes is more important than the number of Likes. The likes have no meaning if they do not translate to sales.
      You are correct 99.9% of the time. What's awesome is that with the lower ad costs, you can afford to show 10 to 100 times more ads and reach that 0.1%. I have made the majority of my revenue from outside the US with my largest deal to date from South Korea and many customers from India, Brazil, Malaysia, and even China despite the fact that my website is blocked there by the government due to the fact that Google is blocked. The difference is that in the US, most companies already are aware of several companies that can help them with Facebook ads or aware of a forum like this where they can learn to do it themselves. In India and many other countries, I am one of the only options in a country with a 1.237 people. This is a simple fact of opportunity. In the US, I am a year behind some of the best companies because they have been doing Facebook ads for three times as long as me. In India, I am a year ahead of the best companies. On top of that, other countries tend to trust people from the native country of origin more than people from their own country to manage their ads. They believe often correctly that the people from a country making a product know it best. This means the idea of outsourcing is crazy to them but the idea of getting foreign help with a foreign product is natural.

      Originally Posted by thedert View Post

      Depends on your market. I've been using this method and my page's interaction as well as traffic being sent from FB posts has increase dramatically.
      It definitely depends on market! Even though I make no attempt to send people to my website on any of my posts, I get people that look all over my Facebook page and visit every link I have on it. These people are actually the most valuable to engage because they are the same ones that will tell friends about what they like or do not like.

      Originally Posted by pinkgorilla View Post

      Great post!

      I've had good success posting images that provoke user engagement like shares and comments as well as some contests. Posting images that tells the user to comment/like if... always do well with increasing the popularity of the page.
      Some fashion pages have used comment sales with this approach to create crazy engagement for their page using the "comment sale" or "fire sale" approach by literally posting items, taking bids via comments, and then removing the post when the sale is complete. If they would leave the post there, it would help their page even more to grow!

      Originally Posted by Natino View Post

      This matches my experience infernal

      Does anyone have any advice as to how to increase click thrus from Facebook posts? Presumably you'd have to give them some kind of cause, i.e. inspire emotions?

      Else click thurs are ridiculously low (I'm talking 3-4 link clicks from a post with 1000 likes...)
      Looks like Rus Sells covered this in detail! You also could look at other Facebook pages and see what motivates you to click through to their links. George Takei at is great at getting web traffic from Facebook posts and I know this because I engage with his posts myself!

      Originally Posted by brutecky View Post

      Your always going to have a hard time getting people to leave Facebook. They are there for a reason and that reason IS NOT to buy something from you. (or anyone). They are there to interact with there friends etc. they are NOT in a buyers mind set. Trying to get people to click through your link and go to you sales page is like walking into a restaurant and trying to get people in the middle of a meal to stop eating, leave and listen to your sales pitch. For the most part its NOT going to happen.

      Everyone can get low cost likes these days. Especially with targeting "Indonesia" but guess what. There worthless. Well not totally, but almost. Just about everyone with a Facebook page keeps saying .. I need more likes .. I need more likes .. bla bla... Honestly they are lying to themselves. They dont need more likes, heck they dont even WANT more likes. Not really. What they really want is more leads, more conversions, more traffic to there offer page , more sales. Its just that they erroneously think that 'more likes' is the way to go with that. Guess what it isnt.
      More likes helps to establish a good reputation to begin. Usually leads, conversions, and sales are all predicted on a good reputation. Naturally this varies by market. A local tramploline park did great growing their Facebook page through purely word of mouth and hard work. The owner asked me how to grow this page likes and I explained that for launching his new business, what he really needed was an event that people would tell their friends about. Instead of using paid ads, he took the time to invite every one of his friends and then engage everyone that did join. His event grew to hundreds of people even though his page likes did not grow at all. He now has a brand new trampoline park that is doing great business. This worked for him but will not for everyone. One of the only things my leads care about is how big my page is and how much engagement I have on it. I have never got a paying client that had more than 60% of the likes I had on my main page. When I first started out, this meant it was hard to get anyone. Now, this means I get pages with 300,000+ likes already as easy as I used to get pages that were brand new. People put a lot of stock into simple statistics and number of Facebook likes plus engagement to verify they are truly interested in the page is one of those simple metrics. Try visiting the Facebook page of a million dollar company and tell me what impression you get when they are making a lot of posts that get no engagement and only have 209 likes.

      Originally Posted by JoeFerguson View Post

      As far as what type of ads will work best for you. It's all about experimentation. FB easily allows you to try different variations of ads, utilize that to your advantage.
      Exactly! The changes they just made to the interface make it even easier to experiment!

      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      Thanks for this post bro. To the nay sayer's, I have a niche specific fan page and EVERY TIME I post something that I curated on the timeline and ask the fan to read more by linking back to my site I get on average 25%-35% of my total fan pages likes going to the web site. So yeah, maybe those who say it's not possible to get people off of FB and to your site need to think about it a little more.

      Additionally I see exactly where the OP is coming from, it's about perceptions!

      For example, if I market services to local business and my fan page has 50 likes and a business owner looking for my services runs across my web site, clicks though to my Fan page and only see I'm capable of having 50 fans their perception is that I am a newbie!
      Awesome advice in response to people looking for a higher CTR on their posts!

      Originally Posted by BripTech View Post

      I would not necessarily agree that statement.

      I am currently trying a new offer newbie-related and it is selling pretty good on asian/indonesian guys/gals, where US market is quite saturated on the same offer (it is a RAP Bank product).

      So I think it all depends on WHAT you are offering and HOW you are promoting it. IMHO
      While 99% of people outside the US may have no intention of buying a product they find in Facebook ads, the top 1% like to impress the people they know by buying and showing off the newest products from the US. They often use proxies and PO boxes to make orders on products shipped only in the US and then get them forwarded to where they live. BripTech is exactly right that this actually makes it easier to sell to them since less people are competing for their attention while at the same time these few buyers actually have a much stronger desire to buy new US products than most people in the US!

      Originally Posted by BennyP View Post

      Just sent you an email
      If you mean me, I will respond today! If you meant someone else, I hope they give you a good response!

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8514504].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dvega
    Finally figured it out!!! Check out my latest ad... 336 likes for $1.89.

    Best of all... ALL FROM UNITED STATES!

    Hopefully the ad keeps getting better as the day goes by. So far thats 0.005625 CENTS per like! Half a penny!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8530779].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author missmystery
      Originally Posted by dvega View Post

      Finally figured it out!!! Check out my latest ad... 336 likes for $1.89.

      Best of all... ALL FROM UNITED STATES!

      Hopefully the ad keeps getting better as the day goes by. So far thats 0.005625 CENTS per like! Half a penny!

      Wait.. what? How did you get US likes if you targeted these other countries? How did you manage to do this? @_@
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8841859].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author payperclickguy
      Originally Posted by dvega View Post

      Finally figured it out!!! Check out my latest ad... 336 likes for $1.89.

      Best of all... ALL FROM UNITED STATES!

      Hopefully the ad keeps getting better as the day goes by. So far thats 0.005625 CENTS per like! Half a penny!
      WTH this is awesome... i am only getting .01 per like half penny is amazing!!!

      here is my result.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8843029].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author honestim

        Seriously can't believe this information is available for free. The information is priceless. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I am a video creator and I offer amazing video services to warriors at the moment. Am planning to growing my own audience and leveraging on the facebook platform. This will help me a lot for sure.

        Get Custom Animation Explainer Videos starting at $29 per minute
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8843384].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16
        Originally Posted by payperclickguy View Post

        WTH this is awesome... i am only getting .01 per like half penny is amazing!!!

        here is my result.

        Did you change anything or are you going by exactly what is said in the WSO?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8843735].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author payperclickguy
          Originally Posted by RatedRKO16 View Post

          Did you change anything or are you going by exactly what is said in the WSO?
          to be honest nope. i have my own method that i keep testing this past few days and i just added some tweak based on Ban's idea.

          BTW im just new with facebook ads i am more on adwords and bing ads ( doing this for 8 freaking years ). but so far im happy with facebook ads =)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8844616].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16
            Originally Posted by payperclickguy View Post

            to be honest nope. i have my own method that i keep testing this past few days and i just added some tweak based on Ban's idea.

            BTW im just new with facebook ads i am more on adwords and bing ads ( doing this for 8 freaking years ). but so far im happy with facebook ads =)
            Man, I'd love to hear it if you care to share!! I've got down to $.04 but I think that was more luck than anything.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8845007].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author infoway
    Great post! Thanks a lot. I'll surely try this out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8535337].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by dvega View Post

      Finally figured it out!!! Check out my latest ad... 336 likes for $1.89.

      Best of all... ALL FROM UNITED STATES!

      Hopefully the ad keeps getting better as the day goes by. So far thats 0.005625 CENTS per like! Half a penny!
      Awesome! Just be careful in the US about the ad images you use to as it is easy to get a page flagged and banned from ads since it just takes a few users to flag your ads! In other words, if you use tactics such as appealing to religion or using sexy models and a very small percentage of people take enough offense to flag the ad, it is easy to have a problem quick! Always make sure to use images you have the copyright to and/or stock images to ensure you can keep getting these results all year!

      Originally Posted by infoway View Post

      Great post! Thanks a lot. I'll surely try this out.
      You're welcome!

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8558134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tomhe
    Some good reading here, My experiance with fb is that i got likes on my fb business page in the start from friends, email list and so on. And i must say that they only respond to good content, and from the good content i am able to grow. I operate in a very small niche and in a set language. And i rather have likes/fans that take part in my content and shares it to their friends. who then buy my service. Then having a lot of Fb likes that dont convert into anything. But this method works if you have a great product that everybody can buy. Tried it on another fb page and it works. So thx for the post
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8559921].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PBMax
    I've been chatting with Banwork - very nice guy by the way - as well as tinkering with Ads and it appears sometimes targeting a broad category works (like the example above) and sometimes targeting a lot of specified categories works (from my own 12k likes in one week @ $1/day budget experience.)

    Plus, the niche is very important. Where the Christian niche (from my first test) is very fruitful, the Internet Marketing/SEO/SMM niche is a tough nut to crack and the likes didn't come as fast for me.

    Of course, like dieting, results will vary from person to person.

    Oh, one more thing: As I mentioned, I started with a budget of $1/day and have since changed that for my company's page in the Internet Marketing niche, but a HUGE factor is how much you're willing to spend per day because that should directly reflect how many likes you get in one day, since more people see your ad when you spend more.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8559977].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author raunekk
    This is great! However, I have tried it a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that it all boils down to experimenting with your image and text.
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  • Profile picture of the author horizon206
    These are all great answers and points. I have been building my fan page and I will apply these techniques for sure.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8626155].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by Tomhe View Post

      Some good reading here, My experiance with fb is that i got likes on my fb business page in the start from friends, email list and so on. And i must say that they only respond to good content, and from the good content i am able to grow. I operate in a very small niche and in a set language. And i rather have likes/fans that take part in my content and shares it to their friends. who then buy my service. Then having a lot of Fb likes that dont convert into anything. But this method works if you have a great product that everybody can buy. Tried it on another fb page and it works. So thx for the post
      You're welcome! I started off with inviting my friends to like my page and offering great content. I even got a few that helped write content. The problem was I did this right when I started my business. When I began by helping people with video game addiction, I had 16 enthusiastic friends helping in a niche many of them shared from personal experience. By the time I got to learning Facebook ads a year later, I had only a couple left that were interested since my niche had got far out from what they found was interesting. I kept writing content but no one read it. Finally I realized I should just post where people actually read stuff like on the forums here and forget my blog which hardly anyone read. Thus, I give you props on being able to use Facebook the way they intended for it to be used and for being able to use it for a more general product the way I like to use it!

      Originally Posted by PBMax View Post

      I've been chatting with Banwork - very nice guy by the way - as well as tinkering with Ads and it appears sometimes targeting a broad category works (like the example above) and sometimes targeting a lot of specified categories works (from my own 12k likes in one week @ $1/day budget experience.)

      Plus, the niche is very important. Where the Christian niche (from my first test) is very fruitful, the Internet Marketing/SEO/SMM niche is a tough nut to crack and the likes didn't come as fast for me.

      Of course, like dieting, results will vary from person to person.

      Oh, one more thing: As I mentioned, I started with a budget of $1/day and have since changed that for my company's page in the Internet Marketing niche, but a HUGE factor is how much you're willing to spend per day because that should directly reflect how many likes you get in one day, since more people see your ad when you spend more.
      Thank you for your kind words! You are exactly right the niche is huge for what you want to accomplish and the daily spend also has a lot to do with that. I am spending $100+ many days to get 20,000+ likes each day on my page. Some of my clients are willing to spend thousands but those that tend to get the best results for each dollar spent are those with a page well matched to a niche that are willing to spend $1 to $10 per day all year to grow.

      Originally Posted by raunekk View Post

      This is great! However, I have tried it a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that it all boils down to experimenting with your image and text.
      I am very much with Socrates on the more you know, the more you know you don't know. Facebook ads is such a black hole that the more light you shed on learning parts of it, the more you see there is to learn. For every one thing I learn, I find five more I realize I don't know. I would imagine this is why the interface is so inconsistent at getting results because even the programmers are not sure what's going on with it. Experimentation is the best way to work with all of this unknown in the sense that you can find what works for sure. This is comparable to fishing. The best fishermen don't know where every fish underwater is or what they all will bite on. They have tried enough different ways of fishing usually that they find a combination that works for them.

      Originally Posted by horizon206 View Post

      These are all great answers and points. I have been building my fan page and I will apply these techniques for sure.
      Awesome and thanks for letting us know!

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640366].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tazman100
    Hi Banwork, I have achieved awesome results with your technique. My best campaign averaged $0.00567/like. I'm in the travel niche and my concern right now is that I don't get much interaction with the people who liked my page. So I started a campaign targeting members of fb groups that have a lot of interaction in this niche but my likes were costing me almost $0.10. It targeted only about 400,000 people compared to the 10 million I was targeting before. Have you ever achieved good results for a smaller audience and for the more popular countries such as the US, Canada, UK etc?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8640408].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author crsnetwork13
    Thank you for the tip Banwork so the graph saying you only spent 58 dollars is that correct to get all those likes?

    Affiliate links and templates are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    That is what I call, pure knowledge.
    thanks for sharing.
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    • Profile picture of the author idksocialdesign
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8647558].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author banwork
        Originally Posted by tazman100 View Post

        Hi Banwork, I have achieved awesome results with your technique. My best campaign averaged $0.00567/like. I'm in the travel niche and my concern right now is that I don't get much interaction with the people who liked my page. So I started a campaign targeting members of fb groups that have a lot of interaction in this niche but my likes were costing me almost $0.10. It targeted only about 400,000 people compared to the 10 million I was targeting before. Have you ever achieved good results for a smaller audience and for the more popular countries such as the US, Canada, UK etc?
        Thank you for letting me know you got likes for a half cent each! Facebook pages in general have a lot lower interaction than most people realize. For example, the official Facebook page gets one like out of every 10,000 fans they have on each post. Walmart, Amazon, and Google have similar engagement. If you want higher engagement, the fans and the content have to be specially made for each other, well timed, and from active users. Usually pushing new people to your page daily is the only way to do it. I have got likes as low as one cent in the US but rarely is the effort needed worth it with what I have to offer. For what you have and for companies offering products such as weight loss programs and online fashion boutiques, usually just pushing the numbers higher in the US works great. Still, for travel my recommendation is to use the page you have to network and make opportunities with other bloggers. The travel niche is so competitive that when you have a new or exciting offer, you want to reach the "mavens" or the "early adopters" directly with your offer rather than showing the masses Facebook ads. Using your larger Facebook page as a reference and contacting travel blogs directly through Facebook should give you the chance to get opportunities for free or a low cost without having to up your Facebook ad budget.

        Originally Posted by crsnetwork13 View Post

        Thank you for the tip Banwork so the graph saying you only spent 58 dollars is that correct to get all those likes?
        You're welcome! The graph I made shows one of my best campaigns. I spent over a $1,000 total to build my last page. The page I am building now called BanWork is going to hit a million fans and it will have cost me over $3,000 to get it there.

        Originally Posted by Moneymaker2012 View Post

        That is what I call, pure knowledge.
        thanks for sharing.
        You're welcome!

        Originally Posted by idksocialdesign View Post

        First off, great post with lots of helpful advice! One thing I was concerned over was the specialty businesses and small businesses who don't want to become "too well-known". Is there a way to politely keep your fan base at a steady rate and only keep the most loyal of customers?

        I'm sure there are businesses also, who would like to get the word out but cannot because they are computer illiterate, and only have a Facebook page because they were told they "had to get one". Would you suggest they hire someone to manage their Facebook page? Or have them learn it themselves?

        Last, but not least, I noticed there were a good amount of statistics in your post. I am usually quite good with deciphering them, but seem to have some trouble here, mainly with the graph. It might be a good idea to label and explain just a bit more concerning each statistic or graph. The information,at first glance, was fantastic, but after a better look was a little confusing.

        Thank you for your post and please do not let my suggestion bug you. Keep on with great advice!
        Thank you for providing this feedback! On Facebook, bigger is always better with a page. If you want to go small and exclusive, try a group or just add people as friends. LinkedIn and Google+ are also great for going small and exclusive. My thought on businesses that have a page just to have one is to do it right or don't do it at all. Often a Facebook page that is poor can cost a conversion or a sale. Businesses should focus on doing what they do well and if they want to expand what that is, they should hire professionals to help. The same difference applies for web design, graphic design, accounting, and anything else. DIY at your own risk!

        The summary of the statistics is that you can get likes for around one cent each!

        Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8652308].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16
          Giving it a 4 day trial run. Budget of 5 dollars per day w/ $.02 per 1000 impressions.

          So it'll end up costing roughly $20 in the 4 days. I used the same countries you did, made some decent ads so hopefully I can get results like you did.

          I will post back with my results. *crosses fingers*
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8678484].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author FanPageLinks
            Good Luck 'Rated' with your Ad
            Over $64,000 In Affiliate Sales!!!
            Everything will be revealed >>> [Click Here] <<<

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  • Profile picture of the author belleinc
    Such extreme value being shared...I truly thank you for your contribution!

    Let's connect on Facebook...just click here!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8679890].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hayleytaylor
    Thanks for sharing.
    Gathered a lot of insight as well as from everyone posting!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680117].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16

      What did I do wrong? This sucks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680166].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Phil Carrick
    Facebook is all about building rapport and social interaction with your flock. Don't try and sell straight from the bat, the majority of Facebook users are now in tune with that and it's much easier
    to just post 'interesting' stuff and helpful tips and naturally people will buy without you even having to sell!

    Try giving something of high-value away in exchange for their email or Facebook ID (you will need an app for that!). I tend to post a Freebie that sends them to a squeeze page within Facebook. Build rapport then and only then should you try to sell.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8680737].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by belleinc View Post

      Such extreme value being shared...I truly thank you for your contribution!
      You're welcome! I am continuing to work to add the best strategies I know as soon as I find and confirm they work since I had such a hard time getting any kind of start myself and I hope to make it easier for everyone else!

      Originally Posted by hayleytaylor View Post

      Thanks for sharing.
      Gathered a lot of insight as well as from everyone posting!
      You're welcome! My next post will be on using YouTube to do the same thing!

      Originally Posted by RatedRKO16 View Post

      What did I do wrong? This sucks.
      I can't see your imagine but I am guessing from what you said in the previous post, using a direct CPM bid was what went wrong. I would guess the CTR was incredibly low and that Facebook put your ads in the worst places. If you try again using optimized CPM (no bid is entered) to get the most likes, this should help.

      Originally Posted by Phil Carrick View Post

      Facebook is all about building rapport and social interaction with your flock. Don't try and sell straight from the bat, the majority of Facebook users are now in tune with that and it's much easier
      to just post 'interesting' stuff and helpful tips and naturally people will buy without you even having to sell!

      Try giving something of high-value away in exchange for their email or Facebook ID (you will need an app for that!). I tend to post a Freebie that sends them to a squeeze page within Facebook. Build rapport then and only then should you try to sell.

      This is great advice Phil and I feel like most people do not want to take the time to build the rapport prior to selling. It can take months or even years to build rapport and it is difficult to maintain people's attention for that long on Facebook or anywhere else online. While many people are successful with email marketing, I personally can't stand email marketing and immediately unsubscribe from nearly every email list I get. Companies like Vocus that continually spam my inbox regardless of how often I unsubscribe have lost my business for good despite the potential value they offer.

      I recommend following what Phil has suggested for any page in terms of building your page rapport and to interact with your fans enough to learn why they follow you and how you can give them what they want. Many times you can do this via an opt in page AFTER you understand why they follow you and what they want. For business pages offering expensive services, I would go straight for building a personal relationship and avoid any impersonal approaches when contacting people directly (i.e. email newsletters). One bad automatic email can cost you a big business deal.

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8682233].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16
        That is exactly what I did!

        Thanks. Luckily this was only a 1 day test run. Still got a couple days left. I will come back and hopefully share some good news after I change that small detail
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8682804].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author RatedRKO16
          Alright now I can't find how to do what youre telling me to..

          Optimized for Impressions (CPM) makes me put in a bid. I can optimize for clicks or likes without putting in a bid but for impressions it forces me to.

          I tried deleting my bid and it fills it in with $0.01

          The bid recommendation says $0.02 so I just went with that.

          Am I doing this right or did I do something wrong? :confused:
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8682841].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    where is recommend best place to put an eye catchy email opt in on a facebook site?

    in the header? right/left sidebar? on the top navigation=tabs?

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8700285].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lover and fighter
    Thanks for the info! I tried this because I have a new ecommerce site and I wanted to increase my credibility since I don't have any reviews or testimonials for my brand or products yet.

    I tried this method but I wasn't able to get the price down to $0.01/like, don't know why this was... but I was able to get $0.04 per like according to the FB report (even though the numbers work out to be a bit different). Over 4 days I spent $5 per day, so $20 total and I now have 610 real likes without any additional promotion.

    Not as good as others have done in this thread, but I'm very happy with the results, and I think it will help my visitors feel a bit more at ease with purchasing from a new company.

    Thanks again!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8711708].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elviira
    Thank you! Great ideas! I've been struggling with FB advertising and now want to try this out. People just don't like my page...

    Actually, I checked Google Analytics for my web page (for which I have the FB page) and picked up those countries from which do have plenty visitors and which bounce rate is low. Let's see if that helps.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8746938].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    elviira do you know why people don't like your fanpage?
    try a better more niche target header or something.....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8748931].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elviira
      marco005: The header is the same than in my blog because the FB page is for my blog. I might change it to something more alluring, thanks for the tip! It's a food blog and I've taken plenty of photos for that.

      One thing which I just should try to do is to be more active in social media and other networking, so in contact with other people with similar niche.

      In my ads I've tested different photos and texts and I'm currently sticking to the one which has brought most likes. So the click through rate is some 3.5% and my budget is $5 per day. Target audience 4 000 000 people. Not that cheap ads. Yet...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8749010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    elviira use a above the fold opt in form on facebook I think this will increase your opt in rate and I hear its best that fb people subscribe on facebook not on your wordpress page they like to stay on facebook, but I don't know ho to do that on facebook I be a facebook greenhorn.........

    Please correct me if I wrong.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8749085].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author elviira
      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


      elviira use a above the fold opt in form on facebook I think this will increase your opt in rate and I hear its best that fb people subscribe on facebook not on your wordpress page they like to stay on facebook, but I don't know ho to do that on facebook I be a facebook greenhorn.........

      Please correct me if I wrong.

      Yes, sounds rational that people don't want to leave FB.

      I'm a bit puzzled however, I've never seen any above the fold opt in form on FB, if you don't mind, could you tell where do I find that?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8751572].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dai
    Thanks for sharing a nice post. I will try doing it to my FB page, I kinda wasted time and money to get LIKEs I had gained by ads.

    Is there any tips for ad creatives making visitors like?? Of course I will do AB ad creative tests, but let me know any idea if you have some insight for it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8751055].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005

    elviira; I dont' know ich search for the same,I have the same problem as you.....

    But I think the big playeerrs on fb have above the fold / or opt in form in the header.

    But how to do that? I don't know sorry......

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8752639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author adystanley
    Thanks for sharing. I will try to follow your method to see if i get any results with it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8759444].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hostdare
    Share your business page updates.
    Engage your friends in the timeline.
    Tag your friends in photos.
    Hostdare Unlimited cPanel SSD hosting | Managed cPanel Dedicated Servers | Dedicated server starting @17 usd/mo
    █ Cpanel/WHM | Not Oversold | Reseller / Managed dedicated Plans Available Email :
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8760715].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Magicalidea
    Very detail and valuable conduct
    I just need to know that how can I improve my sale on fanpage.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8763613].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MaxFreedom
    Thanks all for the great advice and tips and to Jerry for the free info especially your youtube channel it's great!

    So I ran my second FB ad campaign ever (my first was the typical expensive CPC targeting the US) and set it up for page likes targeted to int. traffic, but I wanted to use just one country so I could use targeted images, I setup 12 images for the one ad and used ad copy that was very simple asking for a like:

    LIKE only if you agree...

    I used ONLY the right panel ad placement with NO social friend stuff (don't know what its called... I unchecked a box lol), $5 daily budget (two days), optimized for Likes, I think that's it.

    Results are 300+ Page Likes for $6.30, most of the CPCs were .01-.04 cents, got tons of Page Likes, and what's interesting is that a bunch of old posts I have on the FB Page had their Reach numbers bumped up and some had gotten new likes! I don't know what that's about lol Did the new Fans get those updates or was it from scrolling the page?

    Anyway thanks again for the FREE help for us newbies!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8844136].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author junkdna
      Originally Posted by MaxFreedom View Post

      Thanks all for the great advice and tips and to Jerry for the free info especially your youtube channel it's great!

      So I ran my second FB ad campaign ever (my first was the typical expensive CPC targeting the US) and set it up for page likes targeted to int. traffic, but I wanted to use just one country so I could use targeted images, I setup 12 images for the one ad and used ad copy that was very simple asking for a like:

      LIKE only if you agree...

      I used ONLY the right panel ad placement with NO social friend stuff (don't know what its called... I unchecked a box lol), $5 daily budget (two days), optimized for Likes, I think that's it.

      Results are 300+ Page Likes for $6.30, most of the CPCs were .01-.04 cents, got tons of Page Likes, and what's interesting is that a bunch of old posts I have on the FB Page had their Reach numbers bumped up and some had gotten new likes! I don't know what that's about lol Did the new Fans get those updates or was it from scrolling the page?

      Anyway thanks again for the FREE help for us newbies!
      Are you doing a 'passion' niche (like a hobby, special interest etc.) or a very broad niche?

      Guys With Brains Work for Guys With Balls. Guys With Balls Work for Luck.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8845048].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MaxFreedom
        Originally Posted by junkdna View Post

        Are you doing a 'passion' niche (like a hobby, special interest etc.) or a very broad niche?
        I guess it would be considered a "passion" niche, my CTR by the way average is 0.987%, so I'm thinking because I targeted one specific country and used images only they would like maybe it bumped it up? I've paused most of the images as they didn't get much play or where higher than .05 CPC/Like, I don't know I'm still learning PPC/FB-PPC.

        I also forgot to mention I used a very broad keyword or audience, pretty much only put in one word, and a pretty wide age range with both male-female being able to participate.

        Another thing is, I would like to learn more about how to transition from getting these "cheap" Likes and building authority (or the perception of it) to getting Likes that are way more targeted, does the cost-per-like absolutely have to go up?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8845939].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author banwork
          Originally Posted by RatedRKO16 View Post

          Alright now I can't find how to do what youre telling me to..

          Optimized for Impressions (CPM) makes me put in a bid. I can optimize for clicks or likes without putting in a bid but for impressions it forces me to.

          I tried deleting my bid and it fills it in with $0.01

          The bid recommendation says $0.02 so I just went with that.

          Am I doing this right or did I do something wrong? :confused:
          Now there is an option to optimize for page likes which you should use! This means you are not actually bidding for impressions or clicks but blindly hoping Facebook will do a good job for you. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't!

          Originally Posted by marco005 View Post


          where is recommend best place to put an eye catchy email opt in on a facebook site?

          in the header? right/left sidebar? on the top navigation=tabs?

          best wishes
          While of course it depends on the website layout, I prefer at the top of the page.

          Originally Posted by activate1 View Post

          I'm new here and already learning plenty from you pro's. I loved your article. Makes a lot of sense. I've bookmarked this page so that I can follow your instructions. TovahKay
          Thank you for your feedback! Facebook changes the ad system so fast that I am always posting new videos on YouTube to keep up with the changes. I can post the best of what I know free because by the time I have it down enough to make a video out of it, Facebook already has new strategies and features that need to be tested.

          Originally Posted by lover and fighter View Post

          Thanks for the info! I tried this because I have a new ecommerce site and I wanted to increase my credibility since I don't have any reviews or testimonials for my brand or products yet.

          I tried this method but I wasn't able to get the price down to $0.01/like, don't know why this was... but I was able to get $0.04 per like according to the FB report (even though the numbers work out to be a bit different). Over 4 days I spent $5 per day, so $20 total and I now have 610 real likes without any additional promotion.

          Not as good as others have done in this thread, but I'm very happy with the results, and I think it will help my visitors feel a bit more at ease with purchasing from a new company.

          Thanks again!
          The countries you target, the interests you choose, the pictures you use, the headlines you use, and the location the ads are shown (mobile newsfeed, desktop newsfeed, desktop right hand side) all are important for getting good results. I generally use a simple headline, exact interests, high quality stock photos, countries where ad costs are the lowest with a high amount of english speaking people such as Pakistan and India, and target desktop right hand column only since these tend to be the most low cost impressions. This assumes I want the most likes possible which now with over 600,000, I don't really need that many more for the near future so most of my ads are running in my "english wealthy" list now such as the US, UK, Canada, etc.

          Originally Posted by elviira View Post

          Thank you! Great ideas! I've been struggling with FB advertising and now want to try this out. People just don't like my page...

          Actually, I checked Google Analytics for my web page (for which I have the FB page) and picked up those countries from which do have plenty visitors and which bounce rate is low. Let's see if that helps.
          If you make multiple Facebook pages and try multiple posting strategies across those pages, you usually can stumble upon a good solution. Some Facebook page names or posting strategies make getting likes hard. A good page name combined with a good ad can make getting likes insanely easy.

          Originally Posted by Dai View Post

          Thanks for sharing a nice post. I will try doing it to my FB page, I kinda wasted time and money to get LIKEs I had gained by ads.

          Is there any tips for ad creatives making visitors like?? Of course I will do AB ad creative tests, but let me know any idea if you have some insight for it.
          If you work to give the most value to the person seeing the ad right away, they will usually be responsive combined with a reason they are seeing the ad. My ads usually say "Like this?" in the title and "learn about this" in the body.

          Originally Posted by adystanley View Post

          Thanks for sharing. I will try to follow your method to see if i get any results with it.
          How have things turned out so far?

          Originally Posted by Stifan13 View Post

          thanks all Informative information, exactly what I needed.
          You're welcome!

          Originally Posted by Magicalidea View Post

          Very detail and valuable conduct
          I just need to know that how can I improve my sale on fanpage.
          Improving sales from a fan page is tough. Trying out of the box strategies and explaining to people why they should buy from you often help.

          Originally Posted by honestim View Post


          Seriously can't believe this information is available for free. The information is priceless. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I am a video creator and I offer amazing video services to warriors at the moment. Am planning to growing my own audience and leveraging on the facebook platform. This will help me a lot for sure.

          Awesome! If you share your videos on your Facebook page and create ads to potential clients while including a link to your website, your videos should act as all of the sales pitch you need!

          Originally Posted by MaxFreedom View Post

          Thanks all for the great advice and tips and to Jerry for the free info especially your youtube channel it's great!

          So I ran my second FB ad campaign ever (my first was the typical expensive CPC targeting the US) and set it up for page likes targeted to int. traffic, but I wanted to use just one country so I could use targeted images, I setup 12 images for the one ad and used ad copy that was very simple asking for a like:

          LIKE only if you agree...

          I used ONLY the right panel ad placement with NO social friend stuff (don't know what its called... I unchecked a box lol), $5 daily budget (two days), optimized for Likes, I think that's it.

          Results are 300+ Page Likes for $6.30, most of the CPCs were .01-.04 cents, got tons of Page Likes, and what's interesting is that a bunch of old posts I have on the FB Page had their Reach numbers bumped up and some had gotten new likes! I don't know what that's about lol Did the new Fans get those updates or was it from scrolling the page?

          Anyway thanks again for the FREE help for us newbies!
          You're welcome! Sometimes people will visit your page after they like it and scroll through all of your old posts. I have had people on my page complain about posts I made when I originally created the page months before. They scrolled through at least twenty posts to even see them. This happens especially with international audiences.

          Originally Posted by payperclickguy View Post

          to be honest nope. i have my own method that i keep testing this past few days and i just added some tweak based on Ban's idea.

          BTW im just new with facebook ads i am more on adwords and bing ads ( doing this for 8 freaking years ). but so far im happy with facebook ads =)

          Originally Posted by junkdna View Post

          All that I can contribute as newbie is to say that the difference in performance of the ads is huge and surprisingly consistent. I have one ad that can do CTR 0.35% and for that I am paying $0.08-0.12. But ads tht are doing CTR 0.18% I am paying $0.40. So low CTR ad is 300% more expensive.

          As well "ugly ads" rule. I've have an snobbish artistic bent and I've done lots of ads that look very professional and glamorous. All these ads are bellow CTR 0.20%. The worst looking ads, that I was not at all 'artistically' proud off perform all in a proximity CTR 0.30%.

          So take away is: you need 100 ads.

          Only thing that really is holding me back is because FB's editorial guidelines are so confusing and I can not work out what is allowed or not. When you read guidelines it sounds as if they both allow and disallow something in the same sentence.
          Usually the only way you can deal with this is to hope your ads get through! I have mostly a feeling now of what will fly and what won't but they change the guidelines so often it is easy to be wrong. I just got notifications that I should try "boosting my posts again" because they edited the guidelines significantly about having text in them. Facebook ads takes a lot more PITA effort because of their inconsistency than do Google or Bing ads.

          Originally Posted by MaxFreedom View Post

          I guess it would be considered a "passion" niche, my CTR by the way average is 0.987%, so I'm thinking because I targeted one specific country and used images only they would like maybe it bumped it up? I've paused most of the images as they didn't get much play or where higher than .05 CPC/Like, I don't know I'm still learning PPC/FB-PPC.

          I also forgot to mention I used a very broad keyword or audience, pretty much only put in one word, and a pretty wide age range with both male-female being able to participate.

          Another thing is, I would like to learn more about how to transition from getting these "cheap" Likes and building authority (or the perception of it) to getting Likes that are way more targeted, does the cost-per-like absolutely have to go up?
          The cost always goes up when the competition is higher! The only workaround is to figure out how to not compete. You often can do this by targeting audiences no one else wants to target.

          Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8848845].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author junkdna
    All that I can contribute as newbie is to say that the difference in performance of the ads is huge and surprisingly consistent. I have one ad that can do CTR 0.35% and for that I am paying $0.08-0.12. But ads tht are doing CTR 0.18% I am paying $0.40. So low CTR ad is 300% more expensive.

    As well "ugly ads" rule. I've have an snobbish artistic bent and I've done lots of ads that look very professional and glamorous. All these ads are bellow CTR 0.20%. The worst looking ads, that I was not at all 'artistically' proud off perform all in a proximity CTR 0.30%.

    So take away is: you need 100 ads.

    Only thing that really is holding me back is because FB's editorial guidelines are so confusing and I can not work out what is allowed or not. When you read guidelines it sounds as if they both allow and disallow something in the same sentence.

    Guys With Brains Work for Guys With Balls. Guys With Balls Work for Luck.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8844990].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lalla
    This is great advise. I am just beginning to understand the reality FacebooThksk
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8849256].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author margaritovbg
      Thank you for this awesome post. I have an idea I am going to try out in the coming days. However, I have a question: how many posts per day do you recommend when I dont have much likes in the beginning? I know there is no exact answer, but still would appreciate some advice. My page will be mix of posts and images.
      Signature - Online Luxury Travel Guide
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8862555].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author elviira
        Using partly this advice I managed to grow my blog's FB fan base by over 5,000 fans per month (daily budget max $5). Most of the fans are from Pakistan and Philippines, though.

        However, seems that I got some credibility, since I've got plenty of advertisement requests now for my blog. This didn't happen before with my 300+ fans.

        For me choosing the right photo for the FB ad helped most in getting new likes.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8862971].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author seorob
    I just started this strategy today. I hope I can build the fanpage even though my logo and cover page are not ready yet.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8884067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
    This is very general advice. I agree with certain warriors commenting on this page - What do you actually WANT the likes for? First answer that question.
    And also ask yourself - What is my endgame?
    - as in what is your ideal outcome in the long run for your business/money-making idea?

    There are some good people teaching good stuff out there- some of them are on this forum. Generally on WF I don't like to name names for various reasons. I would encourage you if you have the time, the patience and the financial resources to invest in a well-recommended course or 2, and keep learning.

    Do not go for bright shiny objects and do not believe the hype.

    Also, Facebook recently changed it's Edge Rank algorhythm which has made quite a few approaches bandied around the forum over last years now invalid. -I've seen pages reduce in visibility to their fans by as much as 10 times less all because of this recent update.

    What is clear is that QUALITY content always works, and if it's:-
    1. funny and it's
    2. visual and it's
    3. interactive and you know how to
    4. engage your readers/viewers/likers

    then your content and hence your page/site/business will get seen by a lot of people on Facebook.

    Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8884248].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mrgeeksunited
    Try this ebook for getting more details about traffic generation techniques. Traffic Generation Techniques
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8895299].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author marco005
    Hy to all,

    when you need us clients/email subscribers to make money with them,so why you buy ads from india/pakistan, and so on?

    theese are sorry,poor people-they will not buy anything affiliate product from you.

    best wishes
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8900750].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NathanJames
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8901240].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by margaritovbg View Post

      Thank you for this awesome post. I have an idea I am going to try out in the coming days. However, I have a question: how many posts per day do you recommend when I dont have much likes in the beginning? I know there is no exact answer, but still would appreciate some advice. My page will be mix of posts and images.
      Usually with the new algorithm changes fewer posts that are more engaging is better for your long term success!

      Originally Posted by elviira View Post

      Using partly this advice I managed to grow my blog's FB fan base by over 5,000 fans per month (daily budget max $5). Most of the fans are from Pakistan and Philippines, though.

      However, seems that I got some credibility, since I've got plenty of advertisement requests now for my blog. This didn't happen before with my 300+ fans.

      For me choosing the right photo for the FB ad helped most in getting new likes.
      Awesome! The opportunities often that are not directly planned for seem to be the best in my experience. For example:

      Originally Posted by JodyRossDeane View Post

      This is very general advice. I agree with certain warriors commenting on this page - What do you actually WANT the likes for? First answer that question.
      And also ask yourself - What is my endgame?
      - as in what is your ideal outcome in the long run for your business/money-making idea?

      There are some good people teaching good stuff out there- some of them are on this forum. Generally on WF I don't like to name names for various reasons. I would encourage you if you have the time, the patience and the financial resources to invest in a well-recommended course or 2, and keep learning.

      Do not go for bright shiny objects and do not believe the hype.

      Also, Facebook recently changed it's Edge Rank algorhythm which has made quite a few approaches bandied around the forum over last years now invalid. -I've seen pages reduce in visibility to their fans by as much as 10 times less all because of this recent update.

      What is clear is that QUALITY content always works, and if it's:-
      1. funny and it's
      2. visual and it's
      3. interactive and you know how to
      4. engage your readers/viewers/likers

      then your content and hence your page/site/business will get seen by a lot of people on Facebook.
      Planning seems to be the key. Most people, including me, make no plan when they charge out into social media farther than a few likes and what they/we want to accomplish in the near future. I help a lot now with the planning phase of deciding what is actually worth doing. The value of having a lot of likes is clear when people have business to business goals or for affiliate marketing. Facebook will always change the algorithm for the page feed and users both can always get more fans, promote posts, and make new pages as needed. If you want more structured learning, you may like my Facebook advertising course on Udemy.

      Originally Posted by ZedyDiamond View Post

      Great advice OP! Thank you.
      You're welcome!

      Originally Posted by marco005 View Post

      Hy to all,

      when you need us clients/email subscribers to make money with them,so why you buy ads from india/pakistan, and so on?

      theese are sorry,poor people-they will not buy anything affiliate product from you.

      best wishes
      The people with little money all combined do very well impressing my leads that do have money. Many of my clients are from countries where most people have very little money. While there are thousands of companies in the US offering help with social media, my company is one of the top choices in most developing countries because of all of the existing fans I have that I got nearly free.

      Originally Posted by NathanJames View Post

      Thanks for the info Jerry
      You're welcome!

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9055517].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GHerb

    If you like to get more traffic to your Facebook page and increase the awareness about your bussines, leading to more sales, I would recomnend you to use Shoptimal (

    It allows your customers to spread the word about your business in Facebook, so you can reach new clients.

    Hope it will help you.

    Have a great day
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9057534].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tonnygarden
    Types of Facebook Ads that Will Grow Your Likes & Increase Sales:

    Step 1: Create Right Sidebar Ads to Grow Community/Brand Awareness

    Step 2: Use Suggested Posts to Convert Community into Customers

    Step 3: Use Promoted Posts for Sales & New Products

    So you can try it once.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9057590].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mattypsingh
    Jessica and Ray Higdon offer an amazing course on this on how to generate leads and prospects through social media...I'd check them out
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9057948].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    A heads up:

    Facebook will be pushing page owners toward paid reach.

    Slowely but surely this is being done

    as I have seen my reach drop 20% over the last few weeks.

    I saw this coming a mile away.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9059338].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Assignmentwriter
    This is a great thread for social media results. I will follow above tactics to my fan page.
    Prospring launch offering a 100 Million in Prizes and stacks of benefits each week.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9060362].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author banwork
      Originally Posted by beasty513 View Post

      A heads up:

      Facebook will be pushing page owners toward paid reach.

      Slowely but surely this is being done

      as I have seen my reach drop 20% over the last few weeks.

      I saw this coming a mile away.
      You are absolutely right! The newsfeed changes in my personal page mean I hardly ever see posts from pages that are not sponsored. Sending people to your website seems like a better bet these days.

      Originally Posted by Assignmentwriter View Post

      This is a great thread for social media results. I will follow above tactics to my fan page.
      Thank you for sharing and thank you all for waiting such a long time for my response to this!

      Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9170619].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author southcoaster
    This 'social proof' tactic will kill your fan page engagement and thus your reach. If you are not bothered about reach, then go right ahead.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10203397].message }}

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