Best seller kindle ebook until 1 January 2020
So, my business shot will be an amazon kindle ebook and the subject will be entrepreneurship, the ebook will include all my knowledge, theories, high level advice and so on, everything that I learned during my business crusade will be on it. The goal of the ebook is to solve the problem that I had when I began my journey in business, it will help people set their business path easily and safely. I see many people who ask the same questions again and again, most of them don't know their expectations in business, they are detached from reality and the internet makes matters worse with the amount of scammers that lurk on it. I believe some people will find my ebook useful. It will save them many hours of searching, asking, thinking and most importantly losing lots of money on bad investments. Don't understimate this, the internet is a complete chaos, putting order and usability into its information is not to be taken lightly.
I will probably create a blog too in order to promote the ebook but I don't plan to focus too much on it, I will make as many posts as needed in order to get the job done, I won't push for volume. I believe that blogging will be a powerful promotion tool considering what I have in my disposal. Information blogs are very good. I may mix affiliate offers into it, also I will direct traffic from my ebook to my blog, that's for sure.
As for my funnel, I will follow a model that push continuous promotion, the ebook will help on this. If the user knows that I have an ebook somewhere right from the start then every email after this will promote the ebook, so I have to make it crystal clear that I have an awesome ebook before I start sending emails.
Finally, I have to admit that I'm not the best candidate for a writer due to my english but I will have the time to correct them, that's why I chose this type of business in the first place. My power lies on the information itself and not so much on my novel skills, despite that I aim to make something very watchable and usable with great structure.
I have already finished 24k words for my ebook, I don't have a specific number of words that I want to reach but I estimate than it will end up around 40k words, the hardest part of it is over for now. I plan to do tons of editing and proofreading though. My goal is to finish everything within few months and spend the rest promoting.
This is literally my final business shot, there is nothing else I can do, so I don't plan to give up until the end, I believe that my chances are very low but I want to put my knowledge and strategy to test despite that the odds are against me. I'm curious if I'm capable to make it. I made the title a bit more dramatic in order to draw interest, in reality I will be happy if I manage to sell enough copies.
Happy new year to everyone and good luck achieving your goals.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -