5 Months to Grow a Blog to Pay for a Nanny

by tnob
37 replies
I want to build a blog that generates money to pay for a nanny for my twins.

Build a blog that generates $1,000/month by August 31, 2021.

Time Frame
I will begin this journey on April 5th, 2021, and track until the twins are born.

The Story
My wife and I have a 4-year-old, a 1-year-old, and identical twins due August 31st! We have no idea what we are going to do, as we thought we were stopping at 2 children. This has developed a sense of urgency in me to figure out how to make more money!

But mainly for my wife lol. She will be going through some crazy times with newborn twins and a 1-1/2-year-old running around. So, I want to hire someone to help her (us) around the house and with all the kiddos.

I will create a blog website with affiliate links. The blog will be about buying online businesses, a subject with which I am fascinated and currently going through.

This is me being very vulnerable. I am so new to this, fully ready to fail, but I am ready to take the leap and start.

Special Thanks to Kay King, savidge4, and others for encouraging me to do this!
#blog #grow #months #nanny #pay
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by tnob View Post

    The blog will be about buying online businesses, a subject with which I am fascinated and currently going through.
    The idea that this will create money is all fine and good.. and it is obviously needed as a method of measure IE Success or Failure. However, with something like this in particular, I can only see the dollar amount as an overall detriment. And I am not saying this in a negative manor towards the thread, I am more directing this at YOU, the guy behind the blog if that makes sense?

    The part of the post above that catches my eye is "I am fascinated and currently going through." which translates to "Follow me on my journey to...." and THAT makes good blog material.

    Think of the blog as a daily journal of THAT path... and not the actual path ( this thread creating a blog ), and magical things could happen. The moment you get in your head and start thinking what should I write whoa is me I dont have enough readers and panic panic panic sets in.. the house of cards will fall.

    If all else fails you can always read ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...days-ebay.html ) and be at $1000 a month in no time. - Sorry for shameless plug but i am doing this to maybe release some of the stress from you knowing there is a plan B or C that could be developed quickly.

    This WILL WORK, as long as you keep it from being work... let the idea and process of buying a business be the work, and the blog just documenting the journey and I would say this has the chance of getting legs.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author tnob
      I think I understand what you are saying with your whole reply. Make it fun to document and real. Don't make it a job. Don't make it a salesy site. Don't get bogged down and quit if traffic doesn't flourish right out of the gate, keep going.

      However, with something like this in particular, I can only see the dollar amount as an overall detriment.
      For clarity, do you mean that I should not use affiliate links as I write the blog? Or do you mean there is some other way to monetize? Or something else?
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by tnob View Post

        I think I understand what you are saying with your whole reply. Make it fun to document and real. Don't make it a job. Don't make it a salesy site. Don't get bogged down and quit if traffic doesn't flourish right out of the gate, keep going.
        So let me break this down a bit further. I am sure you have read the post on the main board about failure ( https://www.warriorforum.com/main-in...ople-quit.html ) an interesting read but for the most part a bit off base.

        There are only 2 types of failure in business and life in general. There is mechanical failure, and personal failure. Mechanical failures in ALL instances can be fixed one way or another. I dont have visitors, I am not converting, visitors are not doing this or that or the other etc. More often than not personal failures IE quiting stems from not being able to identify the mechanical issues. OR knowing what the mechanical issues are and not knowing how to fix them - How do I get more traffic being the universally main mechanical issue people have.

        In your case specifically, and with my assumption your are new to all of this throwing in I need to pay for a nanny in x months ( or in others cases of I quit my job and have 2 months to make this work ) you are throwing down an expectation that far exceeds your experience. The dollars will create an amount of stress that starts the snow ball of bad mechanical choices - and then personal failure sets in and voila you "quit".

        A site about getting from point A to point B should be just that.. you dont have to "Sell" anything, hey I use X tool to do Y and there is a link on my tool bag page. Its NOT selling its sharing what works for you ( the best kind of selling in my opinion )

        The "financial" stress should fall on your efforts to buying an existing online business and giving that a go, THIS blog should be the documentation of that effort - nothing more nothing less. Doing this removes a T O N of mechanical issues - pretty much leaving you with "Traffic" as your greatest mechanical failing point.

        Originally Posted by tnob View Post

        For clarity, do you mean that I should not use affiliate links as I write the blog? Or do you mean there is some other way to monetize? Or something else?
        What I am saying is the "Goal" here is going to effect you. Its going to be the driving force on many decisions it should not be - and more often than not it is going to lead to bad decisions.

        So let me throw this out there. I am experienced with this stuff and you are not ( an assumption ) Your plan is to write a blog about buying an existing online business - THEN WHAT? whats the plan after that?

        Me? I am writing a documentary of me going through the process of learning about, identifying and buying an existing online business. I am going to blog the journey, the ups and the downs. I understand that the blog becomes notes to writing a book on the subject. I went through this process and after 3 attempts have a successful business, I now have an amount of authority, my book is worth the $15 I am asking for. I put together a step by step guide ( blueprint ) and I sell it in the warrior forum.

        Do you see the difference? I am looking W A Y beyond August 31st... THIS is what separates success from failure.

        That being said... dude follow through with this thread.. Win, lose, or draw come August 31st you are way ahead of the game! You CANT lose here, as long as you are DOING. Where would you be today if you started this a year ago? think about that. My signature line is not some cute quote its a simple plan for success in one simple line that I follow DAILY
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author tnob
          What I am saying is the "Goal" here is going to effect you.
          Understood. Do you have a recommendation for a good theme for a "follow me on my journey" WP blog? Can be premium.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by tnob View Post

            Understood. Do you have a recommendation for a good theme for a "follow me on my journey" WP blog? Can be premium.
            So as I point out above there is only 2 points of failure. There is Mechanical and then there is Personal. Think about what your ideal theme is and then consider which category it may fall under - Mechanical / Personal.

            An easy way to pick a theme is to use the simple rule of form follows function. You are going to be creating a blog... you need a news or simple blog theme. That being said the absolute Cadillacs of themes would be Divi and Storefront - which I might add could both be used for your intended purpose. HOWEVER these come with downsides for beginners. You would more than likely be at your August deadline before you had a site up. UNLESS you happen to have an amount of programming experience in your back pocket.

            So mechanically there are a few things you want to look at. #1 you will want a 2 column format. #2 you want to find a theme that is very minimal on the top end ( no huge header or hero image )

            The 2 column format is a standard in terms of use and function for the end user - mechanically thats a win. Headers and Hero Image type formats for the average person is a mechanical failure point in web design. Basic design principles suggest people make a decision on your site in the first few seconds.. and these large headers and hero images more often than not send people running.

            Mechanically one of the things you want to consider is Wordpress updates. How attentive is the theme designer going to be at updating the theme as needed? So i would be looking no further than wordpress .org for themes. Themes here have to meet an exacting standard set by Wordpress, and in terms of updates and plugin compatibility thee really should be no issues.

            I will make a suggestion in terms of theme for you ( https://wordpress.org/themes/web-wave/ ) clean simple to the point and checks all of the boxes that I would be looking at. I personally would probably be using Divi in this instance to create basically the exact same layout, BUT like I said earlier the learning curve is great, and the mechanical options will create "failure" points in terms of ease of use and conversion.

            Which leads me to a very important point... Based on the discussion here alone it is clear you will be creating more than one blog. Find a ONE SINGLE theme and use it universally for all of your projects. The better you know the theme you are working with the faster you can build change and correct any issues. I would say every theme is mechanically different than the other.

            My day job is running a web development business and we exclusively use only 4 themes to create hundreds of sites per year. We know these themes up one side down the other. We can execute a basic site from start to finish ( programming time ) in less than 10 hours. Basically dont get caught up in the trap of "The Theme". The theme is mechanical and like I said in a previous post mechanical can be fixed - the learning curve to do so may be daunting. The other issue is actually understanding the failure point within a theme... I have already pointed out 2.. and there are so many more. Just stick with simple.
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by tnob View Post

        For clarity, do you mean that I should not use affiliate links as I write the blog? Or do you mean there is some other way to monetize? Or something else?

        I think that this is great and I don't want to
        discourage you at all, but do you already
        know which affiliate products you plan to
        promote. The mistake I have made in the
        past, that I have seen others make as well,
        is they decide on a niche, register domain
        names, develop websites, create content
        and then try to figure out what they are
        going to promote. Sometimes there isn't
        anything worthwhile to promote in their
        category. The thing to do is to find those
        affiliate products first, hopefully they are
        lucrative ones, and then develop the

        BTW, I don't believe in using children but
        a blog about your twins could be fun and
        fascinating. I don't know if that market is
        saturated, but people are always buying
        stuff for their babies. It is just a thought.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657076].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tnob
          The thing to do is to find those
          affiliate products first, hopefully they are
          lucrative ones, and then develop the
          Thanks for your input! Luckily I have already researched that and do have some affiliates I will be linking to.

          BTW, I don't believe in using children but
          a blog about your twins could be fun and
          fascinating. I don't know if that market is
          saturated, but people are always buying
          stuff for their babies. It is just a thought.
          I have thought about this and think I could for sure make something cool. I have just gone back and forth about how much I should/would put the twins on there.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657083].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by tnob View Post

            I have thought about this and think I could for sure make something cool. I have just gone back and forth about how much I should/would put the twins on there.

            I believe in baby's privacy so I would
            use images from elsewhere. Other
            people's twins. LoLs!
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            • Profile picture of the author tnob
              I'm down with OPT
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  • Thank you for sharing your story. And setting a clear, realistic goal is a great start. I hope you keep us updated on your progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    Your blog will be about a journey, and when you will blog from the start that will be very interesting and appealing to many.
    When I started 20+ years ago it was a struggle and if I could have learned from others at that time to see and follow step by step what they did, where they succeeded, and what went wrong I would be happy to follow that blog.

    Go for it!


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  • Profile picture of the author Francosonny1120
    I love this!!!! Thank you so much for the insight!
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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Wow Tnob, my hats off to you, you will soon have 4 kids under 5 years old. Not easy! Persevere through, I wish you all the best on your journey with this!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I have just gone back and forth about how much I should/would put the twins on there.

    I would not do that at all on a money making site - save that for private FB pages.

    Or you could go to 'privacy protected' images and make it a feature of the blog - photos from the back, from the side of the child with head turned away, etc. It might be a unique approach - finding ways to show your family without revealing them to strangers online.

    You could have a photo of little hands playing with a new toy - and a convenient link to the toy.....or a video of the diapered butt of a little one as they run away or show an older child as he rides away on his bike or pulls his sister in a wagon. There are ways to feature your own children without 'revealing' your children that are so much better than the tacky 'blurring'.

    Looking forward to your next steps and updates.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Week 0 update. I said I would start this on April 5th so that I could get some feed back from you here first. Now that I have had some time to think about how to start this, and research around, I thought I would give a brief update.

    Monetize made a good point about making sure that there are in fact affiliates that I can promote. I did do this, yay. However, I did not take much time to research the keywords on ahrefs and what not.

    After doing that this week, I became discouraged to learn that the keywords I had in my mind are actually not very high traffic key words at all. The volume for the closest key words I would want to rank with are less than 4,000. Whomp whomp.

    But that's okay. I have committed to this project, and I want to continue. Already I have learned alot just by starting.

    So far I have purchased the domain. Started the WP site and link the domain. I actually started working on a couple of posts. I started following some WP template posts that they give you to start out with a blog (like "introduce yourself"). So I am doing it. Kinda crazy.

    Thank you all again. I will get back on next week to post some feedback relating to the path.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Kickoff! Week One

    I have decided to combine a few different methods of building a blog and taking pieces from each. One I am using from here is savidge's post on Starting in IM. In particular I have used the following:

    1) Identifying the longer tail keywords. My main keyword would be "Online business" which generates 25.27 Billion results. So I added the longer tail "Buying Online Business" which knocks the results down to 1.25 Billion. Then "Buying Online Business <keyword>" and finally "Buying Online Business <identifier> <keyword>" This gets it down to 18.5 Million results.

    2) Begin writing posts! I am mapping out general blog post topics, writing about them a little at a time every day, and then editing them when I am ready to post. (I saw a formal instruction on this technique somewhere but can't find it again).

    With those 2 things, I will begin writing this week and have my first posts up next week. Getting excited!
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Week 3

    Traffic: 0
    Revenue: $0

    A lot has happened in the first 3 weeks of starting this. I had some kind of stomach bug that put me out for 3 days, I attended the first in-person conference in a year for 3 days, and I found out the twins are girls! So I will have 4 girls! Now I am even more motivated to make this work so that I can start saving for 4 weddings. Someone suggested I buy a wedding venue now so I can just use it for them one day lol.

    Truth/Vulnerability time: I have not done much yet. I got sucked into a video series on how to build a blog. I fell into the trap of trying to find the best keywords and looking at strategies from "experts" on youtube. These rabbit holes took most of my spare time for the first 2 weeks.

    Then, I thought why not take a stab at the divi theme for WP. Several people have recommended it and it started showing up in my ads, so I pulled the trigger. This lead me down another rabbit hole of trying to learn how to make divi work facepalm.

    Through all of that, I had only written 1 article and the outline to a few more. Worst of all, the 1 article was still not published, because I couldn't get the theme to work as I wanted it.

    So today I made the decision to just nix the divi for now, go with something that works and that I know how to manipulate, and get the content going. I can make tweaks to form and aesthetics another day, that's future tnob's problem.

    Today I wrote some more articles. My goal for next week is to revert the site back to a more standard theme and publish the first few articles. Which leads me to my next question savidge4 :

    Is it better to write a bunch of articles at once and release them all shotgun style? Or should I setup a schedule to release them weekly or something? I'm sure there are pros and cons to both, but just looking for some guidance there.
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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by tnob View Post

      Is it better to write a bunch of articles at once and release them all shotgun style? Or should I setup a schedule to release them weekly or something? I'm sure there are pros and cons to both, but just looking for some guidance there.
      The not so obvious answer is to write your tail off and load every other day. Lifef has already thrown the "Oh I was sick...." curve at you. You HAVETO have material in the bag to make up for that.

      If I am creating a "Blog" I will have 50 ish posts ready to go, and as I am building out the page, I will start publishing thos - AND write one to replace the one I used... gets you in the cycle of your writing schedule.

      At this point you pulled the trigger on Divi.. no matter the Theme there is a learning curve.. if Divi is where you think you are going to end up... get past the hurdle of the learning curve now. There is PLENTY of tutorials on how to do what you need to do. In the end a theme change can help or hurt you in terms of SEO.. so just dont take the risk, Its just not worth it.

      In doing this.. you should be writing... and writing... and writing so split your time writing and learning curve.

      Im going to be "DAD" here for a minute... you probably were not that sick that you could not have watched videos on Divi... or written. Excuses are cute, but they dont make money. In my world... if I am "Sick" I would get more done. Im sick I cant take the 3 meetings today... I write... I do research... I actually get stuff done.

      You simply do not call off work when you are self employed... its a super bad and dangerous habit. Good day, bad day, sick day, your birthday... DO work. You have a list 3 miles long and there is only one way it is going to get done.. and on top of that YOU have a time frame this needs to be done.

      Think of it this way.. you are not doing this for yourself, you are doing this for a client... are you going to get done on time, or are you going to say "oh sorry.. I had other stuff to do, and I was sick, and I took a few days off because I wanted to, and your project didnt get done - sorry"

      Thats what you are doing to yourself

      Hope that helps!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author tnob
        The not so obvious answer is to write your tail off and load every other day. Lifef has already thrown the "Oh I was sick...." curve at you. You HAVETO have material in the bag to make up for that.

        If I am creating a "Blog" I will have 50 ish posts ready to go, and as I am building out the page, I will start publishing thos - AND write one to replace the one I used... gets you in the cycle of your writing schedule.
        Oh Dang, 50 articles! I have got to get writing! I'm sure it becomes easier once you establish some interlinking and whatnot, but good to know. I like the strategy of building up a bunch, releasing often, and writing a new once for every release.

        At this point you pulled the trigger on Divi.. no matter the Theme there is a learning curve.. if Divi is where you think you are going to end up... get past the hurdle of the learning curve now. There is PLENTY of tutorials on how to do what you need to do. In the end a theme change can help or hurt you in terms of SEO.. so just dont take the risk, Its just not worth it.
        Man, not what I was wanting to hear. I have watched several of the video tutorials on Divi, and my problem is I tend to be a perfectionist and want to get everything right and in its proper place. So, I end up spending way too much time on appearance (learning how to make it look like I want) and not enough time writing.

        I do hear you though. Now I am thinking just make it look good enough for now with Divi, write a ton, and tweak the appearance later.

        Im going to be "DAD" here for a minute... you probably were not that sick that you could not have watched videos on Divi... or written. Excuses are cute, but they dont make money.
        Thanks Dad I am with you on the whole work when your sick mentality. Without going into the gory details, this was a sickness where I was only awake and able to think for a few hours per day. That time was indeed spent on DOING Work, just for my full time business that earns me real dollars at present.
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        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by tnob View Post

          Oh Dang, 50 articles! I have got to get writing! I'm sure it becomes easier once you establish some interlinking and whatnot, but good to know. I like the strategy of building up a bunch, releasing often, and writing a new once for every release.

          You can hire someone to write articles/blog posts for you.
          They can write some of them or all of them and you have
          the option of adding to whatever they wrote or combining
          articles from other writers you have hired. I find that it
          helps get me going whenever I need to develop a large
          amount of content especially if it's about a topic I don't
          know that much about. And it really isn't that expensive
          to hire a freelance writer.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11662048].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tnob
            You can hire someone to write articles/blog posts for you.
            Great info, thanks! Do you have a recommendation for where to find such people? I know of Fiverr, Guru, and Upwork, any others, or prefer a certain one for content writers?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11662198].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Monetize
              Originally Posted by tnob View Post

              Great info, thanks! Do you have a recommendation for where to find such people? I know of Fiverr, Guru, and Upwork, any others, or prefer a certain one for content writers?

              I use Fiverr. I have purchased 100+ gigs from there
              and rarely had a problem. Everything from writing to
              setting up WordPress and other various tasks, the
              people are great and the prices are affordable.
              I have found that some of the other freelance
              site's prices are geared towards corporations.
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            • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
              Hi Tnob

              Also check out Content Wish. I am happy with them (about the same price as Fiverr gigs). You should still do the keyword research yourself. Writing is not my strong point, I find it takes me far to long, it's great to do it yourself if you don't mind the writing.
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        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by tnob View Post

          Man, not what I was wanting to hear. I have watched several of the video tutorials on Divi, and my problem is I tend to be a perfectionist and want to get everything right and in its proper place. So, I end up spending way too much time on appearance (learning how to make it look like I want) and not enough time writing.

          I do hear you though. Now I am thinking just make it look good enough for now with Divi, write a ton, and tweak the appearance later.
          Get the simple stuff done.. then start adding the articles. With the idea of SEO in mind, its the structure of the page that matters. What I mean in this case by structure is the boxes that Word Press develops to put content into. The header, The navigation, The body, The ( Right ) sidebar ( then the left if you have one ) and last but not least the footer. As long as all of these things stay in pretty much the same order you are fine.

          Even with the exact same format from theme to theme on the code side of things, things can change DRASTICALLY. This is where the SEO crap shoot takes place.

          The BEST piece of advice I can give is to spend time and understand what good and bad navigation is. A persona lands on a page and how easy is it to find like content? If its a page about Apple phones, and the immediate options are for Samsung phones, where is that visitor going to go? I personally like to use a category post slider at the bottom of each article to give those options.

          To make this clearer I use the Category / Post Name structure 100% of the time. read here for a bit more clarity ( https://www.warriorforum.com/beginne...l#post11661869 ) and understand the penalty for not getting this right.

          If you look at the Navigation of this site in particular ( WF ) very very simple, nice and clean.. wont get you to a specific article / thread, but will put you in a category of interest - one click and done. This type of thing does not happen by accident. Go around and look at other sites and you will see this to be true

          The second thing you want to look at, is how are Page's made. like say a category page. you DO NOT want the easy WP does it for you "Dynamic page" YOU want to create the page and then place the short code to place the information.

          A dynamic page is built every time it loads - EVERY TIME. A dynamic page will simply list articles and do nothing else. By creating the PAGE and inserting the short code to make this happen you can control the content on the page with maybe some content on the top, and then on the bottom of the list of articles.

          A created Page with the dynamic elements added is GOOD for SEO.. a 100% dynamic page is a 0 ( ZERO ) for SEO.

          So put the thing up.. dont even shoot for close.. shoot for rough. get the boxes in the right places and GO GO GO.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Of course you can hire writers - but that's very likely at this point to put you off course deciding how to hire, what to tell them, how to evaluate, what to pay etc. At the moment, I think that's time wasted. Write the first blog posts yourself - YOU know what you want this blog to be - YOU set the tone by what YOU say on this blog.

    So put the thing up.. dont even shoot for close.. shoot for rough. get the boxes in the right places and GO GO GO.
    $1k/month from a new blog in five months is a high bar for someone new....but that's fine.

    I'd suggest you set limits for yourself - that you write at least 2-3 blog posts per day and until that is completed for the day - you don't post on forums (except for this thread perhaps) or watch videos. You may not like to write but your posts on this forum show you have the ability to write...

    You gave yourself five months....and that was a month ago. How time flies!
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Week 4 update

    Traffic: 2 Visitors
    Revenue: $0

    Starting off the week I had 2 goals based on Warrior's input:

    1) Write Content
    2) Learn enough Divi to get my site published

    I succeeded in both! Still, nothing to write home about, but I am glad that I focused and got it done.

    I have started writing several blog posts with different interlinking articles. I have published 2 of those and plan to release at least 2 new articles/week.

    I appreciate the feedback I am getting from you guys. It really motivates me and truly helps me understand myself and my own weaknesses better.

    Next week my goals are to continue writing more and more posts in the backlog, and setting up a schedule to release and edit posts.

    Side note, my blog is about buying online businesses, and I have successfully purchased the first, and I am negotiating the contract for a second. Crazy how this path has helped me get working on that as well. Each of those businesses should generate well over $1,000/month for me.

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    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by tnob View Post

      Week 4 updateSide note, my blog is about buying online businesses, and I have successfully purchased the first, and I am negotiating the contract for a second. Crazy how this path has helped me get working on that as well. Each of those businesses should generate well over $1,000/month for me.
      YOU are in a different position than most... YOU are actively participating in the activity that your site is about. IE you are really not "Writing" as much as you are "Documenting"

      How I bought my first online business.

      What I learned from buying my first online business.

      how buying the second online business was easier.

      Things to look for when buying an online business

      How to find online business' to buy

      YOUR topics, are literally going to be YOUR experience in buying a business.

      I would think your should think back and write a timeline of the process to buying your first business. I did this and this and this.. I have articles here here and there that explain X Y and Z.

      So think about a block of content.... First post would be a timeline filled with all the steps. each step would then be a post, and then in the end follow up with "what I learned about buying an online business.

      link them one to the next to the next with a link on all back to the main table of contents first post. When you upload these to wordpress make sure you load them in backwards ( last post first ) because Wordpress will display most recent posts first - meaning your Timeline post will appear first.

      Something like on the top of the page put hard links in < previous post < Outline Post > Next post > . this process is a bit of a pain in the neck because you dont know what the "links" are until after you have published the content - but its worth it in the end. And for the sake of SEO.. you want the links on the TOP of the page as in TOP TOP TOP of the page.

      I dont know if you have ever heard of Silo structure for SEO... the above method is something I have "refined" over the years with Wordpress, and I call it "hay bailing". Silo / hay bail get it? anyways...

      Hope that Helps!
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by tnob View Post

      Week 4 update

      Traffic: 2 Visitors
      Revenue: $0

      Starting off the week I had 2 goals based on Warrior's input:

      1) Write Content
      2) Learn enough Divi to get my site published

      I succeeded in both! Still, nothing to write home about, but I am glad that I focused and got it done.

      I have started writing several blog posts with different interlinking articles. I have published 2 of those and plan to release at least 2 new articles/week.

      I appreciate the feedback I am getting from you guys. It really motivates me and truly helps me understand myself and my own weaknesses better.

      Next week my goals are to continue writing more and more posts in the backlog, and setting up a schedule to release and edit posts.

      Side note, my blog is about buying online businesses, and I have successfully purchased the first, and I am negotiating the contract for a second. Crazy how this path has helped me get working on that as well. Each of those businesses should generate well over $1,000/month for me.


      This is great, Tnob. Not only are you devoting yourself to creating
      original content, you are also learning by doing WordPress, which
      is an invaluable skill to have.

      I can't wait until you earn your first dollar(s)!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Good for you. With writing, more than anything else I've found, the trick to doing it is simply getting started.

    The two things I've found (working online) that generate their own 'motivation' are getting links and writing content. The longer you procrastinate, the harder it seems to be. Once you settle in and start working on it, it's not hard to create the habit of doing it on a regular basis.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Week 7 Update

    Traffic: 0 new
    Revenue: $0

    It has been 3 weeks since my last update and I have been busy! I have been writing my blog post backlog, building it up.

    I have come to terms with the fact that my path goal was very lofty. With all of the other things I have going on in my life, making $1,000 from this site has not been at the forefront. Though I have been writing articles, I have not done anything else towards reaching my path goal.

    As I mentioned in my last update, I have acquired a new business, and that has had most of my attention in my free time as of late. An interesting thing though, the blog and the business I acquired have the same or very similar target audience. So I will be able to have affiliate links on my blog to my other business. Getting excited about that for the future.

    My last goals were to:
    1) continue writing blog posts
    2) Come up with a posting schedule.

    I did write more blog posts, but not as many as I would have liked. Therefore this week I will add a number attached to the goal.

    I failed at setting a schedule for publishing posts. I still want to get a few more written and have a better understanding of the order in which I will release them.

    My goals for the coming weeks are:

    1) Continue writing more blog posts (accumulate 30)
    2) Decide on 2 days/week to publish posts and begin publishing them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    We are all pressed for time. Try to spend at least
    an hour a day on your project, even if you have to
    get up early or stay up late or eat at your computer
    or whatever it takes. Your blog might not make
    $1,000 a month right away but eventually it will!
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Wilson
    Great thread! Keep writing and when it catches momentum, new possibilities will merge.
    Thanks for posting!
    Children's Book Illustrator: http://samuelgraphics.com
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  • Profile picture of the author J. P.
    Hello all,

    I'm new to this thread, but love the interaction. I'm interested in seeing tnob's progress as of now.

    8 Steps to Guaranteed Profits is launching September 10th. Check back for WSO information

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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Week 13 Update

    Traffic: 0 new
    Revenue: $0

    It has been 6 weeks since I have updated this thread, and a lot has happened since. As you can see, I have still made no money and have had no traffic. Although, I have had some people like my posts, so not sure I understand how they did that.

    I will start with the website progress (or lack thereof). I did gain some momentum in weeks 8 and 9 and wrote the first drafts of 22 articles. I have still not published them or finished editing them.

    In week 9, I signed up for a popular blog teaching school in order to gain some guidance in building out the blog. I stopped writing and started focusing on the course and going through its teachings. Some of the teachings required doing some search analysis to find what good blog topics/questions/posts/answers would be good to focus on. At this point, I got a bit discouraged because it seemed that the topic of my blog did not have hardly any searches/views/trends. (The school suggests using google trends as a way to verify traffic).

    This made me take a step back and look at what I was doing. I had all these questions:
    -Am I making the right blog?
    -Will people land on my page?
    -Will I ever be able to monetize?

    I started digging into search analysis of several other topics with which I had an interest. This lead me down a rabbit hole for several days. Eventually I realized that I need to just focus and continue on the process. I realized that no matter what blog topic I pick, I would still have the same thoughts, so just do it.

    In week 10, I accompanied my wife to an ultrasound for the twins (the whole reason I started this). In the ultrasound, we learned that Twin A was 22% smaller than B, which isn't a great thing. The doctors really scared us and made it seem like the twins could come at any moment. From that day, I have done absolutely 0 on the blog.

    I started preparing my other businesses for my absence, started getting all of the honey-dos my wife had been begging me to finish at the house, and focused on growing some of my other businesses more. Also during that time, my mother-in-law who lives 20 minutes away, decided to retire and that she would help us out with the twins.

    I back up to say when the doc told us about Twin A being smaller, it really freaked us out. We had so many questions and so many worries that it was hard to think about my tiny blog. So when my mother-in-law retired to help out, it really made me rethink my priorities. Honestly, the blog just did not take precedence.

    So now, 3 weeks later, Twin A measured 16% smaller than B (which is a vast improvement), they are still in the womb, and they are now projected to arrive in 3 weeks. My mother-in-law's help has made me rethink the goal of this path. With her help, and btw my mom also is retired and lives 10 minutes away, we will not be hiring a nanny, we will just abuse our own moms.

    So, all of that to say that I don't know where to go from here and would like your advice. I still want to make the blog. I think my original goal was overly ambitious anyways. So I am trying to figure out a new goal to get this blog up and running.

    Right now my plan is to continue with the blog school and follow their process of building out the blog (which is a 24 month process). So, I am asking of you, what income goals, traffic goals, or other that you think are reasonable expectations that I could achieve?

    Cheers and thanks for following.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Hello all. It has been ~7 months since my last post, so I wanted to update everyone.

    Following my last post, my wife's doctor said that she needed to induce her to have the babies asap. On July 22nd, 2021, our twins Callie and Chloe were born at 33 weeks premature!

    To keep a very long story short: Chloe was released from NICU within 3 weeks. She came home healthy and normal. She ended up getting RSV in October, was admitted to the PICU and put on a ventilator. One night, she coded (heart stopped) and they had to administer CPR for 3 minutes. She came back and fortunately made what we are told is a relatively speedy recovery over the next 6 days. Today she is normal and perfect doing very well!

    Callie was born missing cranial nerves 9 & 10 on the left side of her brain. She ended up staying in NICU for 107 days. (So in October we had one twin in NICU and one in PICU it was awful). Because of Callie's nerves, her main issue is that she cannot swallow. Because of this, she can't eat, and secretions from saliva build up in the back of her throat and she basically drowns on her own spit.

    While in NICU, she had a surgically implanted g-button for feeding, and later she had a tracheostomy. She now lives with the trach and g-button and is on constant oxygen. She requires 24-7 supervision, because we have to suction her trach many times an hour to suck out those secretions. She is developmentally delayed alot, and we do not know what all will be impacted by this. Nor do we have a diagnosis for what she has. She is doing very well at home considering all of her special needs!

    Soooo, instead of continuing on with this path and the blog I started before the twins were born, I ended up basically taking on a second full time job trying to get Callie accepted into a medicaid program for medically dependent children. The total charges to our private insurance for all the twins stuff last year was $1.4M!! But they wouldn't pay for us to have home health nursing. So we got on this medicaid program (last month) that now pays for us to have a home nurse for Callie 24/7. (Still looking for a few nurses to fill in).

    Also, someone set up a GoFundMe for us and despite my pride we let them. That ended up raising ~$19,000 and helped us pay some nurses who helped us out until we got medicaid.

    So now my goal of starting this blog to help pay for a nanny, has turned into we have medicaid to pay for a full time nurse lol.

    All the while our older 2 girls (5 years old and almost 2 years old) get sick all the time and yesterday my wife and I both tested positive for COVID. fun times.

    With all of this going on, this blog and path that I started has been pushed to the very back burner. I do not think that I will get back on it anytime soon. But I wanted to update everyone as to why I just dropped off of here and let you know that I really appreciate all of you for your feedback and support.

    I do intend to get back involved in this community with some other things I am working on, so I will see you in the threads!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Thanks for updating us - what a rough few months you've had. The thing about plans and wishes is that too often real life intrudes. Very smart to focus on getting medical insurance/aid you need....sounds to me like you have your priorities straight.

    Best of luck to your family going forward...and hope we see you here

    as you have time.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Klara Pelhe
    Originally Posted by tnob View Post

    I want to build a blog that generates money to pay for a nanny for my twins.

    Build a blog that generates $1,000/month by August 31, 2021.

    Time Frame
    I will begin this journey on April 5th, 2021, and track until the twins are born.

    The Story
    My wife and I have a 4-year-old, a 1-year-old, and identical twins due August 31st! We have no idea what we are going to do, as we thought we were stopping at 2 children. This has developed a sense of urgency in me to figure out how to make more money!

    But mainly for my wife lol. She will be going through some crazy times with newborn twins and a 1-1/2-year-old running around. So, I want to hire someone to help her (us) around the house and with all the kiddos.

    I will create a blog website with affiliate links. The blog will be about buying online businesses, a subject with which I am fascinated and currently going through.

    This is me being very vulnerable. I am so new to this, fully ready to fail, but I am ready to take the leap and start.

    Special Thanks to Kay King, savidge4, and others for encouraging me to do this!

    A great plan indeed and congratulations on expanding the family, this is so nice to here, especially in these crazy times we are living at. As for you blogging strategy, I would say that you managed to make a good plan and this is really something that could help you earn desired amount of money on a monthly basis, you just need to be consistent and persistent with it. Affiliate links will help you earn extra profit through comissions, and blog articles themselves will attract a wide audience, so it's a good combination. Good luck with everything.
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