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Tire kickers and Bain Pickers.

Posted 17th August 2014 at 02:20 PM by Tim Franklin (Warrior Zen)

The world is full of tire kickers, you know those folks that tend to look but never really make that purchasing decision.

It can be frustrating to be in a sales position and have only people who do not really intend on making any kind of purchase.
Then there are the brain pickers, those folks are usually up to something different than what you think they are up to.

Personally I would rather have a tire kicker than a brain picker because at least the
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Wordpress Security Products.

Posted 5th May 2014 at 12:23 PM by Tim Franklin (Warrior Zen)

Recently there have been a lot of wordpress security products and there is a reason why that is happening.

Wordpress websites are being attacked by Hackers, Bots, (robots that automatically attempt to access parts of your website to see what they can find out) Then there are more nefarious predators out there that will for a few dollars seek out competitor websites slow them down with bot attacks, try to hack the admin login and much more.
The truth about wordpress...
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Why PLR is so confusing...

Posted 5th February 2014 at 10:04 AM by Tim Franklin (Warrior Zen)

I received an email promoting a "PLR" product
below you will find a excerpt from that email, (with the spelling and grammar errors corrected)

products with a private label right gives
someone the ability to repackage someone
Else’s products as your own and keep 100
percent of the profits.
PLR is Private Label Rights, the word Private means something in the English language.

But sadly and apparently many sellers do not understand the context...
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White Label Blues

Posted 19th November 2013 at 06:02 AM by Tim Franklin (Warrior Zen)

Today our marketing firm began to see promotions for a product that has already been sold to hundreds and perhaps even thousands of buyers, but the funny thing here is that now they are offering "White Label Rights" the problem is that the original product was not all that great and now they want to sell you a restricted and likely defective product as if it were going to generate you a lot of money.

That is the Lie they tell.

Why would anyone in their right...
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Reviews, Are they Real or are they misleading?

Posted 28th September 2013 at 07:49 AM by Tim Franklin (Warrior Zen)

Testimonials, Good, Bad, Ugly I have seen many and yes for the most part, I believe it is human nature to avoid giving a negative review, more so if you received something in return for the review.

There is a Psychological premiss, at work here and it is two fold, the first part of this is the value of something being given and the psychological need of the recipient, to be positive, simply put if someone gives you a gift for Christmas or your Birthday the chances are probably 99.9
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